Chapter 36

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*Emilia's POV*

I had no college this morning, so i stayed in bed a little longer.
I woke up around 10 ish and laid down in bed messaging Caspar.

When i think about it, me and Caspar have been together for quite a while now. I've met his mum before and she's really sweet; i just feel like we have gone through so much in the time we have been together.
Not like arguing and bad things, but good things that make other situations better..

Today is Autumn's Birthday and Joe is doing a surprise birthday party for her at his sister Zoe's house. It's nice of him because Autumn hasn't really had a proper party before and it'll be nice for her 17th.

I jumped out of bed and took a bath with a lush bath bomb; I skipped breakfast because i really needed to get things done.
After drying myself i searched for some clothes.

What would people be wearing?
Dresses, skirts?

I scanned through my dresses and found a grey body con dress. This was my favourite dress and i loved it.

I pulled it over my head, fixed it a little and then went to look in the mirror. However, i wasn't satisfied..
When i first got this it was a bit big, but now i felt like I looked fat in it.
I turned to the side to see what it looked like, but i just felt self conscious. You could see where my stomach came out of the slim fit dress and it made me feel horrible..

But why?
I've always loved dressed, and never cared about what people think of me. So why now?

I let tears spill down my cheeks; i pulled the dress off and hung it back up.

I was about to change my outfit for a skirt, but decided not to. What if my legs looked too big?

Instead, i put everything back and went with my normal jeans and a long sleeved top. I looked better.

*Joe's POV*

This morning was Autumns birthday and i woke up feeling excited.
I was planning a surprise party for her at my sisters house in Brighton with all our friends and family; whereas Autumn just thought she was meeting Zoe and Alfie.

Last night i let Autumn sleep in my bed and i slept on the sofa because with her broken arm a sofa couldn't have been comfortable.
I made tomato and melted cheese on toast with a cup of tea, and took it to my room for her.

When i entered my room she was still fast asleep and she looked adorable.

'Wake up princess' i said, kissing her forehead.

Her eyes slowly opened and after a while she sat up ready for her breakfast.

'Awh thank you' she smiled, 'i cant believe i'm seventeen today!'.

'Me either. Also, i thought it would be nice if you wanted to meet Zoe today?' I asked with a smirk, beginning my plan.

'I'd love to' she munched away on her toast.

When she finally came upstairs i handed her presents to her and a smile grew on her face.

'You didn't have to Joe' she smiled whilst slowly opening the present, finding it difficult.

She took out two Pandora charms for her bracelet and looked at me shocked.

'Joe these are adorable!!!' She squealed, hugging my tightly around the waist.

'I bought one saying 'girlfriend' and a present because- well, you know why' i chuckled, and attached them to her bracelet for her.


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