Chapter 42

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*Autumn's POV*

I was walking over to Joe's and Caspar's place, as that's where we were having our pre-Christmas at.

I had my penguin Christmas jumper on, my black ripped jeans and black boots. My hair was curled and i felt really festive; making me even more excited for tomorrow.
This year i didn't feel as Christmassy as other years though, but i guess that's a part of growing up.


I arrived at the Jaspar household, holding a bag of presents for them all.
Joe opened the door and kissed my cheek, and he closed the door behind me.

I saw Caspar sitting on the floor, talking to Emilia whilst she was lying on the sofa with a quilt over her.

'Heyy' she said with a weak smile.

'Hi guys' i cheered.


It was now present giving time!

I hurried over to the kitchen to collect my bag, and then sat down on the floor, in a kind of circle, with the others.

'Who's going first?' I asked, with a smile planted on my face.

'We can go in a circle. So firstly Emilia then Joe, and so on.' Caspar replied.

We did as he said and we all passed Emilia our presents for her.
Firstly, she took mine and opened it carefully.

I had gotten her a wooden photo frame with a black and white picture of the two of us together. The picture was taken last year when my family took her on holiday with us; it was of us on the beach, posing together.
It wasn't a big present, but it was meaningful and i knew she could keep it as a memory.

As she opened it, her whole face lit up.

'Oh my gosh Aut!!' She said, hand over mouth.

'Thank you so much!!' She said, leaning over to hug me.

'That's alright' i grinned.

Next she opened Joe's. They weren't as big friends, but he still got her a little bit of something.
It was a pair of earrings, that i had helped him pick out. She gratefully thanked him and turned to Caspar's present.

She opened the present and smiled, i think she was even tearing up a bit.

It was a Pandora crown ring, with a bracelet with words saying 'forever and always'.

She jumped into his arms and squeezed him with the energy she had left.

'Thank you' she whispered.


We had finally finished giving our presents.

Caspar had gotten a David Beckham aftershave set from Emilia, along with a new watch.
Off Joe he got a prank set, for a little joke they had.
Also, off me he got money because i had no clue what to get him.

Joe had gotten a tin of Quality Street from Emilia.
He had gotten some new hair gel and hair spray from Caspar.
But off of me he got nothing, because i was waiting to give him his tomorrow.

I had gotten a lush Christmas gift set from Emilia.
I also got a jewellery box from Caspar. Saying he is a guy, what he picked out was really pretty.
But Joe had also agreed to giving me mine tomorrow.


Christmas songs were blasting through the speakers and we were all dancing together, singing along to them all.
We were drinking Advocaat, but with lemonade to make it a 'snowball'.

'So hear it is, Merry Christmas! Everybody's having fun!' We all sang, raising our drinks in the air.

'This is going to be the best Christmas by far' Joe said, holding me around my waist with his free hand.

But the he lent down, and whispered into my ear. 'But as long as i'm with you, i don't care what we do'

Ficmas day 24

Sorry my Chapters keep coming a little bit later than they usually would, but so far in these holiday the earliest i woke up was 11:00 and the latest i woke up was 12:30.. Oops.

I can't even believe i'm saying this.. BUT IT'S CHRISTMAS TOMORROW!!

I don't even feel Christmassy yet, but i'm so excited!

I hope you have a great day x

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