Chapter 6

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The next day:
*Autumn's POV*
This morning I applied a small amount of concealer to my face, a few strokes of mascara to my eyelashes and then attempted to do my eyeliner, I guess it would do. I chose to wear black high-waisted skinny jeans, white converse and a white, laced flowing top. I slightly curled the ends of my hair, as I knew I would never have the time to do it all. I didn't make an amazing amount of effort today; it was just college. On the other hand, I was still going to see Lucas there, At least I attempted to look good, I just wasn't really feeling it this morning.
Every morning now it has become my routine to meet up with Lucas, Emelia and Caspar before college, so we can all walk there together. So I locked up my mum & dad's house & headed towards Starbucks. Outside stood Emelia and Caspar, Caspar was making Emelia laugh that much she was crying. It was moments like these I lived for. My friends.
When I reached them I walked into Starbucks and ordered a 'chocolate Beverages' to warm me up whilst we waited for Lucas to arrive. When I walked out of the shop, hot chocolate in hand, I noticed Lucas standing with the others. His mop head messing up in the slight breeze, causing it to flop over his eyes. He turned around and saw me, flicked his head to remove the hair from his eyes, and then gave a toothy smile at me. Adorabllleeeee.
I hastily ran up to him and enveloped him into a tight hug, trying not to spill my hot chocolate down him. I finally let go of him and smiled back up at him.

*Emelia's POV*
I noticed their hands interlock with each others, thinking how cute it was. Until I remembered what Lucas had spoken to Ava like, flirting. Why couldn't everything just be simple? Was he not happy with just one girl? I was dreading the moment I had to tell Autumn about this.
"When you gonna' tell her?" Caspar said, almost as though he was reading my mind. We were trailing behind the other two, because they needed private time I guess...
"I dunno Cas. I think I might do it first lesson, it's just Me and her in Photography. So maybe I might get a chance then, But I Cant help but feel sorry for her. Honestly, nothing can get worse than that..." I replied downcast, I don't know why, I just felt really depressed. Like it was me who was taking all of her happiness away, but I didn't have a choice, gosh, I wish there was an alternative option to take... But there just isn't.
*first lesson*
'I can't do it' I kept thinking to myself. I was mentally beating myself up, if I didn't tell her soon I'd become a wreck.
Autumn was sitting on a bench opposite me, trying to take some cool shots of the hills in the view. Her eyes were sparkling, I could tell: of happiness. This was so unfair.
"Aut, I got something to tell you.." I announced, instantly regretting saying anything. She broke off her stare of the view and fixed her eyes upon me, looking slightly confused.
"I really didn't want this to happen.. Honestly. I am so sorry." I began.
"What've you done Mills?" She curiously asked.
"Its not what i've done.. It's Lucas." I announced, noticing her eyes suddenly begin to loose their sparkle. "Okay, I'll cut to the chase. The other day at Caspar's house I found Lucas' phone. I know what your going to say, 'you shouldn't go snooping on peoples phones'. But for the first time ever, I didn't. His phone pinged, so I looked and.. Ava's name popped up" I said.
"So..." She managed to say.
"I looked at their messages. Not good. Remember when Ava had a crush on Lucas?" I asked.
"..yeah" she replied, looking more concerned.
"Well she was calling him 'babe', sending kisses and winkie faces.. Basically Aut'.. They were mega flirting with each other. When everyone knows you two go out.." I finished, I could see it slowly breaking her.
"I-i.. I dont understand.." She trembled, but then suddenly put on a brave face. "It's fine. They probably didn't mean it in that way, I'll let it slide, I'll talk to him about it, we'll sort it, dont worry Mills" she said, giving a forced smile.

*Autumn's POV*
I Was so taken back by what Emelia told Me, I was not prepared. I then realized a while back when Ava said she liked Lucas, I had completely forgot about.. Now that I think about it, maybe she was flirting with him, not the other way around? I dont know.. I didn't read the messages.

*1week later*
All of this week has been super strange. I feel like Lucas has drifted apart from me. Which I know is definitely not true, because I love him and He loves me.. I think..
Just lately he has gotten a whole lot of new friends, and even Caspar doesn't hang around with him anymore. Caspar just sits with me & Mills at dinner... Those two would be so cute together!
Anyways, Lucas' friends are: makayla Ember, Ava Johnson, Mathew Carlos, Louis James and Kate Jones.
Makayla absolutely Hates me- I have no idea why though. I think it has something to do with my relationship with Lucas.. She flirts with him all the time, she always makes sure I'm watching when she does it. And as for Ava, she has changed a lot. She was a really close friend and now we dont even talk anymore, I notice her trying to rub it in my face that Lucas sits with them and not me.
However, I feel quite upset by it all. Lucas doesn't even try to spend time with me anymore, his life is revolved around this group he is in, it does him no good. I can't help but feel like when we were friends we had better, more fun times.. I shouldn't be thinking this; I should be positive. But Its just So hard right now.

*2 days later*
I can't help but feel isolated, lucas doesn't even walk school with me anymore, its just me, mills & Caspar. He's ditched us for his pathetic 'group'. I thought a relationship was supposed to be fun, and the other person cares about you? Obviously the definition of love in my head is not the same as his.

It was lunch break and I realized I had been staring into thin air for about 5 minutes, and then noticed Emelia Standing next to me. I could feel my eyes well up with tears, until I finally let them cascade from my worry-filled eyes.
"Mills, i-i can't do this anymore. It's not fair. Why them over me? A-am I not good enough? What is wrong with me Mills?" I sobbed into her shoulder, I couldn't contain my anger, humiliation and sadness.
What was I going to do?

Quite a long chapter. Hope you enjoy!

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