Chapter Seventeen.

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Lauren's POV

"Luis you're such a dick," I laugh and throw another peanut at his head.

"Whatever Lauren. Admit it. Jennifer Lawrence has a better body then Angelina Jolie," he states staring at the pictures on his phone.

"Fuck off. Women have more to themselves then their bodies," I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Oh look who made an appearance. Feme-nazi Lauren. Hey I'd like my best friend back. Call me when she arrives," he sarcastically says and gets up to grab waters.

"I'm just saying Luis. Look at women as more then a good fuck, for me?" I beg and bat my eyes.

"You're right Lauren. Women have more then a good time in them," he says and tosses my water at my head.

"Thanks lulu," I joke catching the water and popping it open.

"Now then, Camila or Kylie?" He asks resorting back to his stupid little game.

"Oh no. Get Camila off your list now. She's so innocent and I'd like to keep it that way," I get defensive. How could he even say her?

"Getting feisty aren't we? Does someone have a crush?" He says like a middle schooler.

"Fuck off Luis. She's a good friend of mine and I don't want her hurt by you," I say nonchalantly.

"Oh come on. Don't you see the way she looks at you?" He asks as if he's asking if the sun will come up tomorrow.

"I'm one of her closest friends. She doesn't trust people often. She probably just feels safe around me," I say. It's not conceited. She's just.. weary of people.

"Good friends? Really Lauren? That's the ultimate friend zone," he groans and lays back against the old musty couch in the basement of the Jauregui's.

"Well she is my friend," I announce as if it's absurd for her to be anything else.

"You're telling me you've never thought of her in that way?" I says lifting his head slightly.

"I'm serious Luis," I say and turn my attention back to the shitty day time soap opera.

Do I like her?

Camila's POV

You have tinted my cheeks a permanent pink. The thought of you sends me into over drive. I'd appreciate it if you'd just tell me your feelings. Don't you see the way I love you?

Hey guys!! Short update with Lauren's point of view for the first time. Okay so I'm proud of myself because I finally took care of my own well being for once. That doesn't happen like ever because I'd rather everyone else be happy.

Tip of the day: stand up for something you don't agree with. It just might salvage a friendship.

Also shout out to Kris for voting for every chapter. Go follow her kristenmccannnn and read her stories. She's super talented and apparently I wasn't following her. I thought I was. I love you guys xx

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