Chapter One.

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Dear Lauren,
      You're the moon in my darkest nights. You light the way and help me fight. I hold you close, deep in my heart. I can't tell you how I feel because I don't know where to start.

"Mila!" I hear behind me and slam my notebook closed before Dinah slams into my back, pushing me over on the desk.

"Ow Dinah! Ribs," I squish out. My face was pressed firmly on the table.

"Sorry kid," she says pushing herself up.

"You can't call me kid when I'm older," I groan correcting her for the fifth time today.

"Yeah but I'm taller," she says ruffling my hair.

Ugh really? It took me hours to straighten it. I glare at my best friend before attempting to smooth it down and repack her bag.

"Come on Mila. Let's go see Louis," she said singing Louis.

Louis is Lauren's best friend and I figured it'd be easier to say I liked him so I could be around Lauren without Dinah knowing my secret.

"Oh my god shut up Dinah," I groan as we walk out of Mr. Marian's class. It's pronounced Mari-on not Mari-an, I recall the amount of times he's corrected the students in my class.

We walk out of the science building and I hear her laugh. Shortly after I see her emerald eyes. I could spot her a mile away. Her Raven hair, her emerald eyes, her ivory skin, her raspy and deep voice but not too deep, her-

"Camzi!!" She yells and I snap out of my trance.

We've been friends since freshman year and I never wanted to accept I had feelings for her but here I am, a year and a half later, falling flat on my face, head over heels, insert any Ed Sheeran song, in love with her.

"Hey Laur," I say back.

I wrap my arms around her and am enveloped in the scent of flowers. Not the super sweet perfume kind of flowery smell. Like freshly picked flowers and clean linen. She pulls back and we make eye contact which sends my heart into a full on heart attack. She greets Dinah almost the same way but it was a quicker hug.

We're an unlikely couple if you think about it. Me, the awkward clumsy cheerleader who can barely speak to people, and her, the bold and out-going softball player who can effortlessly speak to anyone and everyone. She probably doesn't even like girls and in all honesty she could get anyone she wanted so why would she pick me?

"Bye I'll see you guys later! Bye Cam," she calls over her shoulder, walking to her math class.

"You've got it bad chanch," Dinah says while we walk towards her locker.

Panic rushes over me and I think I've been caught. "W-what?" I ask shaking slightly.

"You're head over heels in love with him," oh right. Him.

"Yeah he's just so.." not her.

"Please don't get started on this again. If I hear you babble on and on about him again I will personally put your head through the shredder," she says slamming her locker and giggling.

"Did you really just quote Monsters inc?" I ask questioning my odd friend.

"I did and I will again," she says flipping her hair.

"That's it. You're not babysitting Friday. I need to get you away from those kids," I say in reference to her plethora of brothers and sisters.

"That's nice in theory but who's going to replace me?" She said deflating my ideas of pizza and romantic comedies that are terrible.

"Plans killed. Dead. On the floor. Like that cockroach," I say as we pass another dead roach.

"Ew this school is disgusting!" I hear Kylie, the wanna-be popular, little ms it-girl, freshman.

"I think my eyes just rolled out of my head," Dinah mumbles. I laugh but I also agree with Kylie. This school is a complete dump.

"Look what we have here," Kylie starts. "The roach's family to celebrate his death."

Dinah opens her mouth to say something but I tug on her arm begging her not to with my eyes.

"What? Speechless?" Kylie calls and Dinah ignores my pleads.

"Jesus Kylie is that a zit or your brain?" Dinah call squinting at a rather large lump on Kylie's head.

Kylie scoffs and takes her minions with her.

"That was easier then normal," Dinah says.

I just nod as we head to class.
You're the moon and the sun
You light up my world
Through the day and night
I want to make you mine
Rain or shine

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