Chapter Thirteen.

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There's no point in hiding my feelings for you. I completely lose my mind at the thought of you. My heart beats erratically, my stomach warms up, my head gets fuzzy, my hands shake. I can't get you out of my head.

Some thing about your eyes
They make time fly
The slope of your nose
However it goes
I am in love with you
And everything you do


The pout of your lips
All I want is one kiss
The smile that I'd love to stop and stare at for awhile

You say that you're chubby
To me that's funny
You're perfect in every way
I could just talk about you all day

{You won't ever return
The feeling that burns
You're a fire burning me
But I can't seem to leave} -chorus

C: hey Laur, I'm writing a song and I need help
L: what do you have so far?
C: *file attached*
L: it's really good. I love how you work your way down. Maybe say something about the mind?
C: you're a life saver Laur! Thanks my love
L: lol no problem dork

Oh shit. I just called her my love. That was so stupid. Why did I do that? Don't say anlything about it. She didn't freak out so I mean whatever right? It's fine. I'm fine. I'm gonna die. Just keep righting Mila. It's okay. 

Ugh I've got nothing. I don't know what to even say that doesn't sound stupid.

You're kindness is

No that's stupid

You make me speechless
I didn't think I'd love you boundless

Ugh that's even worse. Why do you do this to me?

I love every part of you from head to toe

Fuck. Stop making me speechless.

Every part of you makes me breathless
You shouldn't think any less
Your mind, body, and soul
Your love is my ultimate goal
You're my air
Stop leaving me breathless

Yes! I did it.

C: I finissshhhhhedddd!
L: yayy! I can't wait to hear it!
C: it's kind of a poem right now. I'll work the music out later
L: can I read it?
C: yeah.
Some thing about your eyes
They make time fly
The slope of your nose
However it goes
I am in love with you
And everything you do


The pout of your lips
All I want is one kiss
The smile that I'd love to stop and stare at for awhile

You say that you're chubby
To me that's funny
You're perfect in every way
I could just talk about you all day

{You won't ever return
The feeling that burns
You're a fire burning me
But I can't seem to leave} -chorus

Every part of you makes me breathless
You shouldn't think any less
Your mind, body, and soul
Your love is my ultimate goal
You're my air
Stop leaving me breathless

L: that's amazing! You're so talented!
C: thanks Laur
L: 😊
Stop leaving breathless Lauren Michelle.

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