Chapter Two.

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Dear Lauren,
You're eyes sparkle like the ocean. Green yet blue. So full of life. So warm. So welcoming. Yet could be so harsh and so unforgiving. Your eyes are my favorite part. They sparkle and change. You're eyes are my favorite part of you.

1:42 pm
DJ🎶🎵: grab my sister and let's go to the park

"Momma! Dinah wants Sofi and I to go to the park!" I call grabbing my beat-up black converse.

"Be safe!" She calls back.

I walk into Sofi's room where she was napping.

"Sofiiiii, wakey wakey," I call shaking her lightly. She groans and bats my hand away.

"Come on Sof. Dinah wants to go to the park," I say knowing her and Dinah's bond.

"DJ?!" She says popping out of bed.

She grabs her stuffed unicorn which makes me laugh. Lauren bought it for her when Sofi fell off her bike while she was learning how to ride it. I tie her pink converse for her and throw a blue and rainbow sweater in my bag for her. We, Miami natives, aren't used to anything below 80. I chuckle at my own joke as she grabs my hand.

"Come on Mila. Dinah is waiting," she whines pulling me along.

We walk the short 20 minutes to the park and Sofi books it into Dinah's arms.

"Munchkin!!" Dinah calls and spins her in a circle.

"DJ!" Sofi giggles.

"Sofi girl. This hair is a mess. Did you just wake up?" Dinah asks examining her knotted hair.

Sofi just nods and giggles before wiggling down to play on the play ground. I was watching Sofi run around and then I saw her.

The band tee, the converse, the beanie, the jeans, the piercing emerald eyes. She was here. I sat and watched the way she interacted with a young girl. The young girl with dirty blonde almost caramel hair. Lauren must have gotten a job. She'd make a perfect mother. I wi-

"MILA!" I hear before a stinging in my cheek.

"Ow what the fuck?" I say turning to glare at Dinah who's just smiling at me.

"I approve," she says.

"Excuse me? Approve of what exactly?" I ask hoping I was more secretive then I thought.

"Her," she says and gets up to play with Sofi.

Dinah knows. She knows I like Lauren. She didn't care. She treated it like it was anyone else. My thoughts were interrupted by my mother calling and stating its time to come home due to Sofi's recital the next morning. I gather our things and glance around for the green eyed girl. Dinah tugs on my arm and we start to leave. Just then I see her at the swings smiling at the young girl and she looks up at me with the utmost caring smile.

I love her.

Dear LaurenWhere stories live. Discover now