Chapter Four.

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The simplest contact makes my heart lose control. I didn't think I could fall any harder for you.
"Details. I demand details," Dinah says the next day.

"She came over with a movie and ice cream. There's nothing to it," I say shrugging off the topic.

"Oh I totally believe that Mila," Dinah says, voice thick with sarcasm.

"Fine you want details?" I ask knowing the answer.

"No I want Nick Jonas to jump out of a locker and eat my face off," she says again thick with sarcasm.

"Ugh. You're annoying," I say just as the bell rings.
"Shit I'm gonna be late!" I call sprinting down the hall.

"Details at nutrition!" Dinah calls back.

"Ms. Cabello, how nice of you to join us," Mrs. Añosa says as the final bell rings.

"Its an honor to grace you with my presence," I say. Where did this confidence come from?

The class oohs and comments while Mrs. Añosa looks flustered.

"Seat. Now, Cabello. And I expect to see you at my desk at the end of class," she says and I scurry to my seat.

"Now then, Romeo and.."

I wonder what Lauren is doing right now. What class does she have first? I remember how this morning she climbed out of my window so my parents wouldn't know she was here. Her mom is always working so she's never home. Thankfully Chris owed Lauren for not snitching about his girlfriend and Taylor was on a DC trip with her 8th grade class. Lauren's ass climbing out the window was totally worth it. Of course I-

"Cabello read the next passage,"

Shit where are we?

"Page 127," I hear next to me

I look up and see Ally. She's really sweet and extremely smart.

"Thank you," I mouth and read my section.
"Details before I sit on you," Dinah says.

I managed to avoid her at nutrition but we have choir together.

"Okay well what had happened was.." I trail off stalling this conversation.

Dinah gives me this look that means "tell me before you get a poly beat down"

"Ugh fine. Okay so I was waiting for you to call me and I was getting frustrated with myself because Sofi asked if I was okay and for some reason I lost it. Anyways I was crying so hard that I didn't read the caller ID and it ended up being Lauren so she came over with ice cream and movies and we ended up falling asleep," I say.

"Riiiiiight so how did you end of sleeping on top of her?" Dinah asks.

I feel my face drop and I look at Dinah in fear.

"Don't worry Mila. She only sent it to me," Dinah assures me.

"Well Lauren was being annoying and hogging the whole screen-"

"Lauren," I groan.

"Go get your own laptop," she giggles.

"This is my laptop," I argue.

She keeps pushing me away from the screen so I lay on top of her to get a better view. She subconsciously grabs my fingers and plays with them.

"I must've fallen asleep," I mumble finishing my story to Dinah.

"Well you guys are cute," Dinah says.

"Wait a minute Dinah. Did she send that to you before or after you called me?" I ask as we finally settle in our seats.

"Before. I'm just an ass hole who likes to freak you out," Dinah says laughing.

"Ugh you're so annoying," I groan.

"You love me," she says putting her head on my shoulder.

"Debatable," I say and push her out of her seat.

I start laughing uncontrollably and fall out of my seat laughing so Dinah sits on me.

"Payback's a bitch," she says whole tickling my ribs.

"No. Dinah s-stop," I laugh harder then before.

"Apologize," she says gritting her teeth even though I can hear her smile.

"O-okay. I'm s-sorry," I giggle as her tickling finally stops.

"I hate you," I say brushing myself off.

"No you don't," she says flashing a smile before walking to her section.
"But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me..."

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