Chapter Five.

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"Hey Laur," I say jumping on her.

"Camzi! I thought I wouldn't see you until after break," she says turning around to hug me.

"Laur why are you in my room?" I ask.

She just giggles and grabs my hands. She starts to lean in but I cut her off.

"Stop this is a dream," I say.

She laughs again and the dream vanishes.
"Lauren Michelle! I'm gonna kill you," I say grabbing a pinch of flour and hurling it at her.

"Oh it's on now Cabello!" She says.

"Fight me Jauregui," I say with a giggle.

"You asked for it," she says before grabbing the carton.

I know I'm screwed. She's an all-star pitcher. I snap out of my trance in time to see an egg coming straight at my forehead. It bounces off and cracks all over my feet.

"Ew it's so-"

I'm cut off by another egg flying at me. I turn to run but slip in the egg and land on my face.

"I am the champion, my friends," Lauren sings and dramatically dances.

I stand up, using the counter for support, and scoop out some pancake batter. I nailed Lauren in the chest mid-guitar solo.

"Karla Camila Cabello. I'm giving you two seconds before I kill you," she says scraping the gooey batter off.

I turn to run but I know it's too late. Everything goes on in slow motion.

(A/N: 🎶who can say where the road goes?🎶)

I slip in an egg Lauren threw early at the same time getting hit in the back with batter. I lay on the floor pretending to be dead as I hear keys.

"Oh shit," Lauren says. "They're home."

Her parents walk in to see Lauren covered in flower and batter while I'm dripping in eggs and ghostly white with flower.


Her father, being more calm asks, "who started it?"

Lauren and I at the same time point and say, "she did it!"
You're my favorite
Favorite eyes
Favorite smile
I think I'll stop and stare
Maybe just for a while

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