Chapter Ten

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It's been 6months since I have talked to anyone other than Khaflia. I still go to school but I quite cheer leading, volleyball, and track. My mother kickd me out and I haven't seen my father in weeks. Khaflia mother's says he left my mom but still wants to see me. I haven't seen or heard from Cj since that night, but me and mekyah still talks a lot. Anyways I was staying with Khaflia em' until my God brother Shon insisted that I stay with him. After I lost my baby Kelp and I fell off but I heard that he dates Pailizi now but I really don't care I hope there happy together. And jasmine and khaflia broke up and I beat dat ass the same day and that bitch Kholes ass.
But anyways since today was Saturday I got up did my hygiene and got dressed to go to work. I stopped wearing make up but I put on a little blush and mascara, I flatironed my hair that was now dyed a maroon color and put it in a ponytail with my hat on. I ran down stairs and put on my shoes. I grabbed my iphone6s, keys, and was almost gone til Shon stopped me. "Ahh Tj who keys you got"? He asked already knowing the answer. "Shon please let me drive, I know how to drive" I asked giving a puppy dog face he couldn't resist."Man don't get no scratches on my car, you know what matter of fact" he said running upstairs then back down in 5 minutes. "Here take the mustang" he said handing me the key and taking the keys to the benz. I smiled really wide kissed him on tge cheek and left to go to work.

•Shon POV
Was up I'm Shon Hightower and I'm 6'6, brown skinned and 18. I graduate this year and I'm a drug dealer. Tj don't know I do that but I gotta to do what I gotta do. Especially if I want Tj to start back cheering and shitt. I made her get a job because in the summer imma be handling business and plus I don't what to spoil her. But for her birthday a couple months back. She had the biggest baddest party ever for sweet16. I spent over 38.7 thousand dollars on her and half of it went on clothes, hair products, shoes and ect... she wanted.
But once Tj left I called up one of my hoes Nijah. Cause these last couple of days have been stressful. From getting custody of my daughter Remi to letting my sister move in with me and Yelena breakup. Now that shitt made me wanna cry when she said she was leaving me to go to collage in Houston. But don't get me wrong I anit no soft pussy ass nigga. I so deep in my thoughts until I heard the door bell. I went open it and Nijah walked right up to my room. I walked up there after her and drop my pants and she went to work.

It was 48 minutes til I got off from work and I couldn't wait. I prayed that nobody came in to order from here. I was just about to pull out my phone when I heard lots of laughing and talking coming in. When I looked up I saw the one group of I never thought I'll see together again. It was a awkwardness until I brushed it off. "Hi do you know what you'll like to order" I said in perky way. "I see someone is way to used to cheering" Pailizi said making them laugh. I coughed to cover up what was bout to slip out of my mouth. "Do y'all need time to look at want y'all want" I said still tryna be perky and happy. "No I want a #8 two large fries, 4 chocolate chip cookies, three strawberry milkshakes one, #4 with 5peice nuggets BBQ sauce, #1 and, 4 large soda's,3 cokes, and 1 a root beer" Cj said as if she didn't know me. "We're out of Root beer soda and you'll have to wait 12 minutes for your cookies" I said waiting to go home. "Okay well give me a strawberry soda and yes we'll wait" Kardall said smiling. I guess Cj seen him cause she was mugging the shit outta him. "Okay you're total will be 58.86" I smiled perky as ever cause I seen Shon walk in here with nijah. "Give me y'all money(she said to them,giving her the money) here you go" Yelena said smiling handing me the money. "Thanks and your change will be 8.55" I said smiling back handing her the change. As everybody walked away to go sit down Yelena stayed. "Hey Tj we really missed you on the team you were one outta 3 of the girls who knew how to do a hand on spring full court on back flip high off of the ground with and without using hands to" She said "I know I miss cheer leading but imma come back befo...." I was interrupted by Cj and Shon arguing. I walked from behind the counter and up to them. "Can y'all go outside with all of that please.." They stayed still, I turned to Shon and did the face and said "Shon please I need this job" after I said that left with Nijah. "Order Number 362" Khaflia walk up to get they bag. It was 6 pm and I was just leaving out of Burger Hut at the same time of them. I was tryns hurry up and get to my car before they seen. I was a little far from my car when I heard khaflia yell my name I turned around and walked to where he was since he hand gestured me to. Once I got over there to him Mekyah, Yelena,and Rayan all came to give me a hug we talked for little then they went back over there with Cj em'. It was just me and Khaflia walking to my car. "So since you moved I guess the little birdy don't come through my window no more" he joked around causing me to laugh. "So you been missing me I see" I said smiling "Shid yeah I have when you gone come visit moms worried about you more than she is about me and mekyah" "I don't know just leave your window open and we'll see" We both smiled and laughed. The whole walk we laughed talked and smiled. Once we got to my car we stopped and hugged. "For real come thru" he said and knew I didn't like them words together said to me. I pinched him and he screamed which made me laugh "Come thru i am not one of your hoe's" "You could be but you keep play plus you highmaintence" he said laugh "Yeah I could but I don't think you could even handle me plus I don't do thugs" I said licking his bottom lip causing us both to laughing cause we both know I'm not no hoe "yeah alight I gotta go" he said hugging me one more time and slapping my butt before he left running away to em'. I got in the car and left thinking about all the shitt I been through and how Khaflia was always right there.

Kelp in mm.

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