Part 17

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Two weeks later

Alison was in Cape May with her family, and Cece Drake. Alison felt like she needed to get away from Emily. Her feelings for Emily was confusing her and Alison was the type of person who always needed to be in control. So not being in control of her own feelings or emotions was taking a toll on her. She needed to relieve her stress so when this guy named Duncan offered to buy her a drink she accepted.

They ended up making out and Alison decided to lose her virginity. The next day when they woke up, Alison figured that Duncan was nice enough so when he offered to take her to breakfast she accompanied him. Her brother was mostly high all the time so she found herself trying to entertain Cece as well. Cece met a guy named Darren Wilden and they went out on his yacht together along with Spencer's older sister Melissa. 

They had lots of fun. Then later that night Duncan offered to take her up in his plane. They flew around Cape May and Alison felt so alive.

Alison: Wow: this is so much fun.

Duncan: yeah. This is where I like to come to clear my head.

Alison: I can see how easily this could just melt all of your troubles away. It's like being in a whole nother world.

Duncan: You wish that you were in another world?

Alison: Yeah. Sometimes.

Duncan: Here take hold of the controls.

He placed Alison's hand on the gear stick.

Duncan: Now your flying the plane.

Alison: Wow. This is so cool!

Alison loved being up in the air and was kinda disappointed when the plane landed and they turned it in. 

Alison: Thank you Duncan. I would love to do this again sometime.

Duncan: You've got it. Would you like to go grab something to eat?

Alison: Sure.

They went to the crab shack and talked as they ate. It seemed like no matter what she did Alison got a tug at her as thoughts of Emily took over. She found herself comparing Duncan to Emily and although he was a handsome and nice guy he just didn't measure up to her mermaid. Alison thanked Duncan for a great time together but when she laid her head down on her pillow that night she decided it was time to stop running.

Alison knew if she were to become in charge of her feelings she first had to admit them. Alison finally was honest with herself. She liked Emily Fields as more than a friend. Their kisses weren't just for practice. She wanted to explore her feelings for Emily and see where they would lead her.

Alison went to sleep that night for the first time feeling as if she were free. Her family packed up the next morning and returned home. Alison was determined to find Emily. When she found her she was devastated. She spotted Emily outside of the Brew with Paige kissing her. Alison knew she'd waited too late to tell Emily how she feels.

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