Part 18

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What Alison didn't stick around to see was Emily totally go off on Paige for kissing her. Paige was out of line and Emily made sure she knew it before walking home. She stopped in front of the Dilaurentis house. She didn't know why at first but once there, Emily knew she missed Alison.

Emily texting Ali: Hey Al are you awake?

Alison: Yeah Em. Why?

Emily: I just hadn't heard from you in awhile.

Alison: I've been kinda busy. I went to see my grandma then went on vacation with my family. How long have you been going out with Paige?

Emily: What? I'm not going out with Paige.

Alison: I saw you two out then you kissed. It looked alot like a date.

Emily: No I was in the restaurant getting food then I ran into Paige. We talked about Maya. She called her a flake then she kissed me. I pretty much went off on her after that. I just stopped by here on my way home. I thought you might want to share my food.

Alison: Your here now? Come up. I'm in my room.

Emily unlocked Alison's door with the key under her mat. She grabbed two forks and two bottles of Pepsi from the fridge. Emily walked into Alison's room handing her a bottle of Pepsi and a fork. She opened up the container.

Alison: Fettuccine Alfredo. My favorite.

Emily: Yeah. It's weird. It's almost like I was supposed to be here with you tonight. I never order Fettuccine.

Alison: I know. This was very sweet of you.

She takes a bite if her food. She knew she needed to have a talk with Emily. Especially after thinking she had waited too late before. That feeling was the reason Alison knew she had to do this.

Alison: Emily. I know I always made you feel as if your feelings for me was one sided. But they weren't. I can't tell you exactly what I feel for you, but I know I need to find out.

Emily: I don't know what to say Ali. I hoped you would say something, anything. I thought I was going crazy. The way you looked at me. The things you would say. I kept telling myself it couldn't have all been fake.

Alison: It wasn't. Those kisses weren't just for practice. I wanted to kiss you as much as you wanted to kiss me. Soon as I was told about the kissing rock I wanted to take you there. I knew I would take you there.

Emily: I wanted the same thing. Soon as you told me about it.

Alison: I'm not really hungry. Can we finish eating this later?

Emily: Yes.

Alison put up their food and drinks in the mini fridge by her bed. She sat on her bed next to Emily. Alison took Emily's hand inside of her entwining their fingers together. Emily looked at her and Alison's hand. 

When Alison lifted her head and locked eyes with Emily they both moved forward until their lips met between them. Alison didn't know how it happened but she was laying on her bed on top of Emily kissing her passionately while Emily ran her fingers through Alison's hair. Alison knew that this was where she wanted, no needed to be.

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