Chapter 2

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Celebrian eventually separated from her parents. They told her that they needed to go do something, business wise, so she went on her own around Rivendell. She thought it was very beautiful. She loved how every plant was green and healthy, while waterfalls had water sliding down the surrounding mountains. She thought it was very peaceful in Rivendell. It was bright from the sun and fresh from the blue sky.

"How wonderful." whispered Celebrian as she walked slowly to a patio railing.

She put her hands down gently on the smooth, white surface of the railing. She looked out at the mountain side, that were around Rivendell. They had the greenest trees, along with waterfalls. She saw bird in the distance playing with each other. They went back and forth, from tree to tree. It was almost like they were playing tag with each other. Celebrian chuckled a little bit at the birds.

"It has more meaning to it than others realize." said Celebrian.

"I know, right." replied a voice.

Celebrian became all tense. She was not aware of anyone being behind her. It gave her a little scare. She slowly turned herself around, and saw a tall elf. He was different from any other elf she had seen. Unlike most elves, with blonde hair, he had black hair. He was tall and serious, with the most proper posture.

"Admiring the beauty?" asked the elf.

"No (yes)." answered Celebrian.

"I have not encountered you here in Rivendell before," realized the elf. "Who are you, hiri vuin (my lady)?"

"I'm Celebrian, princes of Lothlorien." replied Celebrian.

The elf bowed to her, showing her his respects.

"I'm Lord Elrond of Rivendell." introduced the elf.

Celebrian had no idea that he was Lord Elrond. She immediately bowed to Lord Elrond. She couldn't believe that he was Lord Elrond.She was not expecting them to meet like this, in the most awkward moment.

"Great impression." thought Celebrian.

An elf informant came in behind Lord Elrond. He had black hair like Lord Elrond. Elrond turned to the elf, waiting for him to explain why he interrupted him.

"What is it?" asked Elrond.

"Your presence has been requested." explained the elf.

"Very well," said Elrond as he shooed the elf off. "I hope to see you again, Lady Celebrian."

Lord Elrond walked over to Celebrian. He took her hand and gently kissed the top of her hand. He walked away from Celebrian, following the elf, who looked like he was in a hurry. Celebrian was blushing a little bit after he left. He was so polite to her. Showed her respect and even admired her for loving everything about Rivendell.

Celebrian continued walking through the hallways of Rivendell. Eventually, she ran into her mother.

"Where is ada (father)?" asked Celebrian.

"He had to tend to some business." replied her mother.

Celebrian and her mother walked together through Rivendell, waiting for her father to finish his business. As they walked, Celebrian couldn't stop thinking about her encounter with Lord Elrond. She had never met someone like him before. He was different from other elves in appearance, but also in character. He seemed calm and wise.

"I hope to see you too." thought Celebrian.

Two Hearts and Two Kingdoms United (Elrond + Celebrian)Where stories live. Discover now