Chapter 3

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It was the next day, and Celebrian had just woke up. She made her bed, by putting the pillows and covers back in place. Then she walked over to her dresser. She sat down on a small stool, which was in front of the dresser. She began undoing her hair. She had it put into a braid over night, so her hair wouldn't tangle. When she was done with that, she redid her hair into a french braid. After that, Celebrian took out a bright blue dress. The dress had long sleeves, which widened out toward the bottom. She put on the dress and then grabbed a belt, putting it around her waist. When she was done getting ready, she walked out of her room.

Celebrian was going to meet her parents for breakfast. She walked through the hallways, passing elves. She was now outside, where the breakfast table was set. Her parents were already sitting down at the table, waiting for her to arrive.

"Good morning ada (father) and nana (mother)." greeted Celebrian.

"A (hi) Celebrian," said her mother. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept well." replied Celebrian.

Celebrian joined her parents at the table, by sitting down. She put some food on her plate and began eating. Her father was almost done with his breakfast. It seemed like he was on a timed schedule. Her mother, on the other hand, was enjoying and taking her time.

"Are you going somewhere shortly?" asked Celebrian.

"I'm afraid so Celebrian," replied her father. "I must tend to some additional work while I'm here."

"Oh, I see." added Celebrian.

She wasn't pleased that her father was tending to so much business while they were in Rivendell, but she knew it was important work. Shortly later, her father excused himself from the table. Before he left he kissed his wife goodbye, and gave Celebrian a kiss on the cheek. She watched her father walk away, until he was out of her sight.

Her mother saw her mood change.

"Celebrian, is something the matter?" asked Galadriel.

"I just wish he had more time with us." said Celebrian.

"Oh my darling. I know you do. I also wish the same, but he has important matters to attend too." explained her mother.

Celebrian didn't carry on in the conversation. She simply went back to eating her breakfast. When she was done eating, her mother stayed at the table, while Celebrian went for a walk. She needed to clear her head. She needed to except the fact that her father was on business and not pleasure. But she still wanted to enjoy her time in Rivendell before it would end.

As she was walking, a voice from behind her called her name. She turned around and was pleased to see who it was.

Two Hearts and Two Kingdoms United (Elrond + Celebrian)Where stories live. Discover now