Chapter 11

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Galadriel was sitting in her throne chair, waiting for her daughter and husband to arrive. She knew that Celebrian was two days late for coming home, but her mother knew that Celebrian would be just fine. But Celeborn didn't see it that way. He was worried about Celebrian, so he decided to go and get her.

Galadriel finally heard footsteps coming her way, but the welcome home she thought of was the opposite. She found Celebrian walked ahead and away from her father, who was fighting with her in a loud voice. As Celebrian walked in front of Galadriel, she was crying. Celebrian didn't want to talk to her father anymore because she was upset and Galadriel knew that.

Galadriel stood up from the chair and shouted, "Celeborn."

At that moment, Celeborn stopped what he was doing and looked at his wife.

"Celebrian, go to your room dear." said Galadriel in the nicest voice.

Celebrian walked to her room, leaving her parents together in the throne room.

"What are you doing?" asked Galadriel.

"She missed her due date to be back home, so I need to tell her that that is not okay." replied Celeborn.

"Celeborn, she is not a little girl anymore. Whether you like it or not she will no longer be a little girl. She wants to do stuff on her own. She needs to do stuff on her own. Don't you trust her?" said Galadriel.

"No (yes) but-"

"Celeborn, you said you were going to go get her because she was late for returning home, but I think it is Lord Elrond that is bothering you. Ever since he came here and asked you to take Celebrian to Rivendell, it has made you worried. I think you are afraid that your daughter will go with Lord Elrond."

Celeborn remained silent. He did not reply in conversation with Galadriel. Galadriel then knew that that was what was bothering Celeborn. She sat  back down in her chair, while she watched her husband think for a moment. Then Celeborn walked up the steps to his throne chair and sat next to Galadriel.

"You're right." mumbled Celeborn.

"Celeborn, you owe her an apology."

"I know." replied Celeborn.

He stood up from his chair and started walking to Celebrian's room. He knocked on her door, but there was no answer. He knocked again and instead of a come in, he got a go away. So Celeborn talked through the door.

"Celebrian, I know you are mad at me and you have every right too. I know what I did was not right, and I know that it might have embarrassed you. It was never the fact that you were late, which made me act out like I did. It was the fact that you wanted to spend time with Lord Elrond. So I'm sorry for what I have done."

Celebrian didn't open the door because she was still mad at him, but she did say, "Thank you, ada (father).

Celeborn smiled and walked back to the throne room. He sat next to his wife.

"Who did it go?" asked Galadriel.

Celeborn didn't answer Galadriel. He simply gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Two Hearts and Two Kingdoms United (Elrond + Celebrian)Where stories live. Discover now