Chapter 15

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Days were busy now at Rivendell. Lord Elrond was slammed with responsibilities as a Lord of Rivendell, while Celebrian was getting annoyed with the wedding planners. When she would select a certain theme or color the wedding planners would offer another one. So Celebrian had it with the wedding planners. Since Lord Elrond announced his engagement to Celebrian, Rivendell was booming with busy people. And no matter who Lord Elrond and Celebrian passed, there would always be someone to bring up the wedding.

Celebrian had to put the ceremony and after party all together. She didn't know what she was doing anyway. She thought that this would be fun to do, but it was more stressing than fun. The wedding was already in a couple of days, and she still had nothing picked out. Her parents were suppose to arrive any day now, but they haven't arrived yet.


Celebrian was walking down a hallway, when Lindir came up to her.

"A (hi) Lindir." greeted Celebrian.

"A hiril vuin (hi my lady)," replied Lindir. "Your parents have just arrived."

Celebrian smiled at Lindir and said, "thank you." Then she quickly picked up her walking pace and headed to the front courtyard to greet her parents. When she was finally outside, she saw her parents from a distance, and when she finally was in the front courtyard she had saw what they were doing. Her father helped her mother off her horse, and then they walked up the steps to see Celebrian.

"A nana and ada (hi mother and father)." said Celebrian.

Her mother hugged Celebrian, while her father simply smiled.

"I am so happy you are here." added Celebrian.

Galadriel and Celeborn followed their daughter through the hallways. They were suppose to meet Lord Elrond in the study. They took their time walking over to the study because Celebrian was in no hurry, if anything she wanted this day to end. She couldn't stand the planning anymore. When they were finally in the study, Celebrian and her parents saw Lord Elrond sitting down in a chair while he was working on some things. But when they walked closer over to him, Lord Elrond put his work down and stood up to greet Celebrian's parents.

Lord Elrond tipped his head in respects to Galadriel, while he shook Celeborn's hand. They took their seat on some chairs. Celeborn sat next to his wife, and Celebrian went over by Lord Elrond and took a seat. They began discussing the plans for the wedding, but their wasn't much to talk about since not a lot of things were planned.

So Galadriel told Celebrian that she would help with the planning, which gave Celeborn the perfect idea. Since his girls were spending time with each other, that would give him the opportunity to spend some time with Elrond.

"Well Elrond, since the girls will be planning things together, what do you say we go out on a trail ride tomorrow?" offered Celeborn.

All eyes were on Lord Elrond. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to go with Celebrian's father alone, but yet he didn't want to say know and make it awkward between them.

"Sure thing." agreed Elrond.

"Good, it is set then." replied Celeborn.

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