Chapter 7

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Celebrian untacked her horse, and put it back in its stable. She fed it an apple then went to see her parents. She walked to the throne room. When she got their she was shocked and surprised to see Lord Elrond. He was standing in front of her parents, while her parents were seated in their chairs. Since her parents and Lord Elrond had seen her interrupt them on accident, there was no turning back. So Celebrian just waited for her parents to signal her over.

"Come on over, Celebrian." said Celeborn.

Celebrian walked over to her parents, and where Lord Elrond was standing.

"Sorry for interrupting, ada (father)." apologized Celebrian.

"It's okay Celebrian," replied her father. "This conversation actually involves you."

After hearing that last sentence from her father, Celebrian began thinking that she did something wrong.

"What do you mean ada (father)?"

"Lord Elrond would like you to join him in Rivendell for a couple of days." answered her mother.

Celebrian was relieved and pleased. She was going back to Rivendell. She was going to be able to return and see the beauty of Rivendell. Celebrian was jumping inside like a little girl. Even though she was happy, she was wondering why Lord Elrond came all this way to tell them. After all, he could have just sent a messenger.

"Would you like to go?" asked her father.

"No (yes), absolutely." agreed Celebrian.

Celebrian could tell that Lord Elrond was pleased with her decision. After all, he was trying to hide his smile, but he couldn't. Her parents exchanged looks with each other. Her father wasn't as happy or pleased like her mother was. It was like he was concerned or unhappy.


Celebrian was in her room, grabbing a few things before she left with Lord Elrond. She grabbed two of her books before she headed out of her room. She was suppose to meet Lord Elrond in the stables. She walked to the stables with her two books in hand. Once she was in the stables, she saw Lord Elrond waiting for her to arrive. He stood by his tall and muscular black horse. She smiled at him from a distance, and got a smile from him in return.

"Are you ready?" asked Lord Elrond politely.

"No (yes)." replied Celebrian.

She walked over to her horse, with Lord Elrond following behind her. She put her two books in her saddle bag. Lord Elrond offered to help her up, and she was obliged to have him help her. Once she was on her horse, Lord Elrond walked over to his horse.

Celebrian and Lord Elrond rode out of the stables in a canter. As they rode together on the path, her parents were watching them leave from a distant patio. Galadriel stood up straight, and was calm while she saw her daughter ride off. But Celeborn was leaning over the railing, with a face that read, worry.

Galadriel looked over at her husband.

"What is the matter?" asked Galadriel.

"I don't like this." answered Celeborn.

"Oh Celeborn, let her go and have fun," said Galadriel. "She is not going to be your little girl much longer."

Galadriel kissed Celeborn on the check, and went away to take care of some matters at hand.

"I know, that is what worries me." whispered Celeborn to himself.

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