Chapter 21

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Elladan and Elohir had followed the tracks from Redhorn Pass. They were getting closer and closer to finding their mother. They had went through the Redhorn Pass and have been tracking the orcs every way. As they got closer and the time it took for finding their mother, the twins blood only boiled more. For most of their childhood, they trained to fight, so that they could kill off any enemy in their path, especially orcs.

The tracks ended and it led the twins to a usual orc home. They took their bow out and loaded it with their first arrow. They were on alert and were ready for anything to come out at them. They went into the fortress and started looking for their mother. From time to time, they would run into an orc, so they quickly and quietly fired arrows.

It took the twins awhile, but they finally found their mother Celebrian. She was sitting down on the floor, with her back up against the wall. Judging by the bruises and wounds on her body, the twins could tell that their mother was tortured. They couldn't bear to see their mother like this. They shook her gently, trying to get her up, so that they would get her out. It took awhile, but Celebrian's eyes finally opened.

Celebrian was surprised to see her son's

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Celebrian was surprised to see her son's. She didn't want them to be here because it was too dangerous. Celebrian was in a terrible health state, so she didn't know exactly what was going on.

"Elladan, Elohir, get out of here." mumbled Celebrian.

"I don't think so nana (mother), we are going to get you out of here." said Elladan.

Elladan picked his mother up from the ground, and carried her bridal style. He followed behind Elohir, with his mother, so that if any orcs came their way, Elohir would be able to shoot them. When they got out of the filthy place, Elladan put his mother put on the horse and went behind her. Then, they all rode away from the horrid place and were heading back to Rivendell.


Elrond was sitting on his throne, waiting for his son's to come back with Celebrian. Every day was torture for him. He did not know what condition his wife was in, or if his son's would return. He didn't have the heart to wait any longer. Just then, Lindir came to Elrond and told him that his son's had returned with Celebrian. Elrond immediately got up off his chair and went to meet his son's.

Elrond saw his son's arrive. He even saw Celebrian, who was in a terrible condition. The twins brought Celebrian to her room and then left, so that their father, Elrond, could heal her. Arwen, Elladan, and Elohir were all seated outside their mother's door, waiting for something good to occur. It took awhile, but Elrond had finally healed Celebrian. She was asleep on her bed, so Elrond kneeled down next to her on the side of the bed. He began to cry. Elrond blamed himself for what has happened to Celebrian. If only he didn't let her go, then maybe this wouldn't have happened. He couldn't bear the thought that he did this to Celebrian.


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Elrond was walking to Celebrian's room because Lindir had informed him that she was wake. He was a little nervous to see his wife, but he was also happy that she was making a recovery. He walked into the room and found Arwen and the twins standing back from Celebrian's bed. Elrond walked over to Celebrian, which who he found awake.

Tears began to fall down Elrond eyes and he came closer to Celebrian. Celebrian was so happy to see him that she didn't know why he was crying. So she lifted her hand out, for Elrond to grab. Elrond grabbed his wife's hand and stood by her bedside.

"Elrond, there are no need for tears." said Celebrian.

Elrond smiled down at his wife

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Elrond smiled down at his wife.

"Gi melin (I love you), Celebrian." whispered Elrond.

Celebrian smiled when she heard those words come out of Elrond's mouth. She never thought that she would see him again, and when she did see him, it only brought tears to her eyes. Elrond sat down on the side of her bed and gave her a kiss on the lips. As much as he was happy to see his wife again, Elrond was also sad inside.

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