Chapter 18

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Celebrian was sitting outside, while she looked out into the sky. She saw the blue sky with some clouds here and there. She loved watching pairs of birds fly in the sky, while they journey from tree to tree. Ever since, Celebrian and Elrond got married, it was like things picked up around Rivendell. There were orcs roaming their lands, so Elrond was mainly gone, leaving Celebrian alone and by herself. Celebrian, being the sweet and kind elf, didn't want to bring the matter up with Elrond because she knew that the things he did were only beneficial to Rivendell. But, at the same time Celebrian thought that she should bring the matter up with him anyway because she feared that if she didn't then her marriage would start to fail, and that was something she didn't want to happen.

It was late at night and Celebrian was waiting for Elrond at the dinner table. He was late and Celebrian was getting a little worried. She didn't want to eat without Elrond, so she just waited for him to show up. Time passed and Elrond finally made it back. He walked over to Celebrian and kissed her on the lips, then he sat down next to her. They both took some food from the main trays and put it onto their plates.

Celebrian waited to bring the matter up. She wanted Elrond to relax and enjoy his meal before she brought the matter up. When Elrond was done eating, Celebrian looked over at him and started to address the matter at hand.

"Elrond, could we talk for a moment?" asked Celebrian.

Elrond didn't necessarily want to talk because he was getting tired, but he loved Celebrian and wanted to give her his attention.

"Sure." replied Elrond.

Celebrian smiled at Elrond.

"So I know that you have been gone because of the orcs, but while you are gone, I'm at home. I'm alone and I miss you. I never get to see you anymore, it feels like. I was just wondering if we could work something out because I don't want our marriage to end up terrible." explained Celebrian.

"Why didn't you bring up this before?" asked Elrond.

"Because I didn't want you to think that I was selfish to have you all to myself. I didn't want you to put me first over Rivendell." replied Celebrian.

Elrond smiled. He couldn't believe that Celebrian would do that for him.

"Celebrian, you are the one thing that I care about the most in my life. Your needs are just as important as Rivendell's. You don't need to do that."

Celebrian smiled at Elrond. Elrond leaned in close to Celebrian and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Well, I'm glad we worked that our because there is something I've been needing to tell you." started Celebrian.

"What is it?"

"Elrond, I'm pregnant." said Celebrian.

Lord Elrond's eyes widened. He couldn't believe Celebrian just said that. He was so shocked and surprised that he didn't have to the words to say. He was so happy right now that he kissed Celebrian on the lips one more time and then gave her a hug.

Celebrian was relieved to hear that Elrond was happy.

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