Chapter 13

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Lord Elrond had arrived in the garden, and the first person he saw was Celebrian. She was sitting on a bench, reading one of her books. Lord Elrond smiled at her from a distance. He had missed her so much and now was the moment that he would change both of their futures. He walked down the path, over to Celebrian. He stopped in front of her, causing Celebrian to look up from her book. She smiled a big smile at Lord Elrond, then she stood up to give him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" asked Celebrian.

"I came to ask you something." replied Lord Elrond.

Celebrian was puzzled. She was wondering what he had to ask her. She looked at Lord Elrond, who was starting to get nervous around her.

"What is it, Elrond?"

Lord Elrond went down on one knee and looked up at Celebrian. Celebrian put her right hand over her mouth. She was shocked. She wasn't expecting Lord Elrond to purpose to her. Tears of happiness started to slid down her cheeks.

"Celebrian, I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. I haven't stopped loving you, and whenever you are away from me, I miss you terribly. I can't live without you, so I have one question for you that will change the course of our lives." said Lord Elrond. "Will you marry me?"

Celebrian was so happy right now that she was speechless. Lord Elrond remained on his knee waiting for an answer from Celebrian. She cleared the tears from her eyes and said, "I will."

Lord Elrond stood up and took out an engagement ring. He took Celebrian's left hand and put the ring on her ring finger. Then he kissed her hand. Celebrian gave Elrond a quick kiss on the lips, followed by a hug.

"Gi melin (I love you), Elrond." whispered Celebrian.

When they were done hugging, Celebrian looked at the ring. She thought it was so beautiful. It was a silver ring, with a white diamond in the middle. There were leaf designs on the ring, which was her favorite part of the ring.


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Celebrian went to pack up some of her things. She was going to leave with Lord Elrond before it got to late for them to head back to Rivendell. She packed some books and cloths. She was so excited that she hurried. But before she made sure she had everything, her mother came into her room.

"A nana (hi mother)." said Celebrian.

"A (hi) Celebrian, can we talk?" asked her mother.

"Sure, what did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to say that I am happy for you and that I am going to miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too nana (mother)."

Galadriel and Celebrian gave each other a hug. Her mother held her tight because she didn't want her daughter to leave just yet. Her mother started to cry. Then she thought back to when Celebrian was a little elf. Galadriel knew that those memories would be nothing more than old memories of the past.


Celebrian hopped on her horse, while Lord Elrond waited on his horse for her. Celeborn walked over to his daughter with his eyes teared up. Celebrian watched him walk over to her with tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye Celebrian." said her father.

"Goodbye ada (father)." replied Celebrian.

She turned her horse and rode with Elrond away from her parents on the path that would lead out of Lothlorien. She knew that this was going to be hard on her parents, but Celebrian was going to see them soon for the wedding. Above all else, Celebrian was happy for what her future was going to be like. She knew she was going to be with Lord Elrond forever.

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