Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I woke up at 2 am the next day and having slept the whole previous day away, I was hungry. So I went downstairs and watched TV and ate until 8 when I got ready for Kat's funeral. I decided to wear a black dress and Tess decided to tag along.

Aiden was already there as a rock for Orlando or vice versa. We walked in to the room that had her casket and I saw Aiden. He stopped me simultaneously and I dragged Tessa with me over to them. He was with Orlando. "Hi, you look nice." I directed it to both Aiden and Orlando.
"I always look nice." Orlando gave me a small smile, but his eyes shone with sadness. Her death was taking a toll on them. You could tell by his hair.
"This is my sister, Tess. And Tess this is my best friend Orlando." Aiden introduced the two and I could see Orlando's eyes light up after seeing Tess.
"Uh, hi, ni-nice to meet you." She stuttered. I never heard her stutter before. "I'm sorry to hear about your sister." She gained her confidence.
"It was unexpected. Thank you for your condolences. Did anyone tell you that you look absolutely beautiful?" Orlando complimented her and Aiden left to go talk to some other people and

I walked around avoiding the casket. It reminded me too much of mom and dad and Garrett and yesterday and that dinner and death in general. I watched Tessa and Orlando as they flirted with one another only stopping when people went up to Orlando. I smiled knowing that Tess just found her prom date.

We took a seat to listen to Aiden's speech.
"Hi everybody, I'm not sure if you guys know me, but I'm Aiden. I met Kat when I was in seventh grade and she was in eighth . We didn't really get to know each other until my freshman year, but I knew she was something special. Words cannot describe how much we loved each other. How much I still love her. I just wish that we didn't make the stupid decisions that we had. By the end of her sophomore year, she found another love, Cocaine. I knew something was off about her, but she always told me that I made her happy and I was the only thing. Which to a point, I guess she was right. Coke didn't make her happy, it made her sick and it made her feel weird, but she couldn't stop and soon I went down that path too. It was a toxic love when you mix drugs and then alcohol, but I always knew she would be the one that I would marry one day and I promised her that."

He took out a ring. It was my mom's wedding ring.

"My mom passed away when I was 10 and it created a disaster in my family that may never be repaired, but she told me once that when I find that one girl, she wanted to be part of the love even when she wasn't alive so she put her wedding ring in a letter she wrote before she died and this is for Kat. Katherine, Katie, Kate, sweetheart, honey, baby, my love, my girlfriend. This is for you. I kept my promise. I kept my promise. I will always love you and we will be together sometime. Say hello to my mom for me. I'll see you soon. I love you."

Tears streamed down his face and there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Aiden went over to her corpse and took her now lifeless hand and slid the ring on her finger.
"Death won't do us part." He said and then he looked behind all of us seated and walked down the aisle; straight into my dad's arms.

Behind My Blue Eyesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें