Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
(let's see what happens when Daddy's home)

We all sat down after I set the table. The food looked really good, but I had lost my appetite. I had a bad feeling about tonight. I started the prayer and after I finished it, my dad got up to look for the vodka to find nothing.
"Where the hell is the liquor?" Everyone stopped eating or at least those who started. I hadn't touched my food yet. I couldn't. The fork in Kylie's hand started to shake.
"I don't know maybe-" Tess started, trying to cover up Aiden's excessive partying, but Aiden, in his drunken state, cut her off.
"I drank it and why why why do you need to be drunk every time you come back here? You can't just come back once a month or sometimes every few months and expect us to be happy. Suck it the fuck up, dad. We know you miss mom, but she's gone and she isn't coming back and you are being one sucky ass parent. Grow a fucking pair."
"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Dad's face was on fire because Aiden was right and Aiden smiled back at him, an evil smile.
"Why? You taught me how. You made us fuckups."
"Where is this all coming from? What the hell, Aiden." Dad tried calmly, but Aiden was on a roll.

Nobody could stop him.

"I fell in love. And you are too fucking blind and too fucking self absorbed to maybe realize that I was hurting too cuz guess what, she's fucking dead like Mom and now since you have only shown your inconsiderate side, you are fucking dead to me, Dad." Aiden got up, flipped him the bird and walked downstairs probably to reconcile with more of our dad's booze.
"Anything else?" My dad laughed bitterly. He rubbed his scruffy beard.

We were all silent for a while refusing to even acknowledge what just happened. I looked up from my plate to see everyone else looking down; everyone but my dad. We were trying to avoid this subject as much as we could.
It was like a fuse went off. He slammed his hand on the table, almost spilling the water. "I said anything else?!"
"I'm anorexic dad." Tess' voice was so small.
"What?" my dad's voice got softer too and his anger suddenly abated.
"I, um, I need some help."
"Aw, sweetheart, I'll do anything I have to get you better." Tess' eyes got teary and she gave a small smile to dad which he returned, the anger in his eyes evaporating.

The dinner turned around, and I actually started to eat my food. A silence fell over us and then my dad opened his mouth again. "So Ky, you and Tyler must be going pretty strong...Any special reason why you invited him over?" For a second, I thought that he knew, but I pushed it away because there was no way he knew without blowing up.

Dad was always mellow about dating. He's protective, but he lets you date who you want. I don't think he ever realized how much freedom and consequences came with leaving them to be in the same house alone.
"I-I-I" Kylie looked down at her stomach then looked at Ty who grabbed her hand and held it. "I'm pregnant."

Like a flash of lightning my dad was out of his seat and his hand wrapped around Ty's neck breaking his bond with Kylie.
"You bastard." He spat out.
He dragged him out of his seat and pushed him up against the wall. I looked over at Tessa and she was just sitting there with her hand over her mouth in shock. Dad's fist came down on Ty's face and Kylie whimpered. "Dad, daddy, please no. Stop it." She got up and tried to stop him.
Ty wasn't fighting back he was taking it.
"And you!" He roared pointing an accusing finger at Kylie. "You little slut! Just because I'm not around doesn't mean you can be fucking your boyfriend all the time. I taught you better."
"You didn't teach me anything!" Kylie screeched to him, tears rolling down her face like a waterfall.
"All you taught me was to leave children when they need you the most. I'm never going to leave my child." "You won't be having a child! You think you can raise a baby?! Are you fucking crazy? Abort it. Give it away. If you keep it, you'll have to find somewhere else to live."

Kylie went towards dad and pulled her fist back, but Tyler pulled her away as she struggled against him, her body shaking through sobs.
"I hate you! I hate you!" She screamed and Tess scurried to help Ty with her. I just sat there in shock. My dad touched his beard again and sighed, sitting down.
"She's going to keep it." I said. When Tyler vowed to stay by her side, you knew. Nothing anyone said would change her mind. I was sure of it. Dad glared at me, but he didn't scare me. He knew I was right. "Mom would have let her make the decision." I added. "Don't talk to me like you knew your mother like that."
"Why can't I talk about her? Why can't we talk about her without you making us feel guilty and sad? There were happy times. I may be the youngest, but she died when I was seven almost eight. I knew her for that time. All of us knew her. We loved her, we still love her. And the way you are acting and how you act towards us makes me feel like maybe you didn't know her and what she wanted. You are a horrible father and Mom wouldn't like you." Before I could even react, a hand made contact with my face.

My dad hit me.

And since he wasn't drunk, he didn't have an excuse.

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