Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Kylie found out she was pregnant on Sunday and it's now Friday. She hasn't told anyone but me yet and I hope she tells Ty. I don't know how she will support a baby or if my dad will be okay with her big mistake. This will change her life forever. She's only a sophomore with no job and a future that was so bright. Now, she might not get a degree until she's 30. And what is her and Ty break up? What if she thinks she's in love now, but won't be in a few years? What if he's not ready? what if she isn't? I mean I don't think she expected this, but will she keep it? Or will she give it away? Is she going to hide it?

I was thinking about this when I was tapping my pencil during a math test. So far, I had only completed 10 out of 30 questions and The bell was going to ring in 3 minutes. I quickly scribbled down semi thought out work and randomly circled answers. I was failing math already and we had retakes so I knew this wouldn't hurt me too much. I kept telling myself that I would retake them.

And I got up to turn in my test, knocking over all my stuff, and ran to the bin placing my test in there before the bell rang. I trudged back to my desk, picking up my stuff, when suddenly I sensed another person's presence. I looked up to see Garrett gathering my spilled stuff and neatly arranging it on my desk. I felt stupid for being such a mess. "Thanks." I whispered, but the bell covered my words and suddenly Garrett had vanished from my sight. I frowned, grabbing my stuff. I lost another oppurtunity to talk to him.

I got to English early by changing super quickly and running from gym which was a norm for me; considering it was the only subject I actually liked and tried in. My teacher, Mrs.Swade, was in her low thirties and she understood me. She greeted me with a smile and I returned the gesture. Oddly enough, she never asked me about my day, but that's what I liked about her. She understood that this was an oasis for me to emerge myself in books and writing nonsense.

That class flew by fast and before I knew it, the bell rang for lunch. I sat at the "popular" table, yet I only made small talk. Garrett and Stella always sat at the end with her friends and his friends. I sat towards the end by a girl named Penny that was super nice and her cousin Maddison. All they talked about today was the party my brother was supposedly throwing. Of course I was going because I lived there, but I had no idea people at my school were also invited.

"I mean why invite Junior High kids to a High School party? Stella won't stop talking about how she was invited by Jason to go." Penny said. I silently agreed and went ugh in my head. Jason used to be friends with Ty until he went off the deep end with Aiden, and I had no desire for him to be at house. I also didn't want Stella at my house and I didn't want her to be creeping on my brother either.

She had a crazy crush on him even though she is with Garrett. I swear she is just dating Garrett for popularity. He is the most attractive boy in our school and plays basketball and soccer. Stella's a cheerleader, perfect fit for her too. She's one cheery skank.

The rest of the day dragged by especially Science, but I just doodled in my notebook until the bell rang. After school, I walked in my house to find it being turned into a party by Aiden and his friends. I just went up to my room and laid on my bed. I wasn't in the mood to party. Honestly, I was never in the mood to party. Especially when I knew that there would be people having sex, drinking, and doing drugs.

I have experienced a few of Aiden's famous parties. Of course, I haven't taken part in some of the activities, but I will escape my room to get some snacks. The most important thing about parties though is that our parents' room is untouched. It has to be locked and off limits. That has always been the rule to respect my mother. The one that would be disappointed to witness what our house will turn into in a few hours; when the sun goes down.


I decided to wear yoga pants with furry boots and a v-neck. I planned on spending most of the time in my room, but I decided to take part in the party, for that one reason (snacks), after locking my door behind me. I didn't want anyone hooking up on my bed. The first thing I saw was a crowd of people; the first thing I heard was the loud music; and the first thing I smelt was the alcohol mixed with pizza. I shoved my way through people looking for a slice of pizza.

Along the way, I found Tessa talking to her friends and spotted her boyfriend kissing some other girl not so far away from her. I wanted to tell her, and get her to realize she could do better than Brandon, but she would take it as jealously instead of advice. She would use it as a mechanism to comfort her dignity. I also noticed a red solo cup and hoped that she wasn't drinking because drinking on an empty stomach only meant bad things.

When I got to the pizza, I grabbed a piece and put it up to my mouth. I suddenly dropped it when I saw the sight in front of me. My brother and Stella were making out on the couch in front of me. I wanted to puke. She was all over him. She's 13 and he's 17! And she HAS a boyfriend! She has Garrett. Then when they pulled away, I noticed how Aiden's eyes were extremely blood shot. There was no doubt in my mind that he was high and unaware of his actions.

Stella smirked when she saw me staring wide-eyed at the little scene I just witnessed. Instead of making a comment, I took another piece of pizza and escaped to my room. Once I was alone, I locked the door and sat on my bed. I debated on telling Garrett right now and going downstairs and sending him a picture of the scene I witnessed. But I didn't want to be a snitch. yet, I wanted to be a friend to him. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

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