Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The bell for third period just rang signaling I'm late. I went to grab my Social Studies book when I heard, "Really? You are now copying Carmine and stalking her? You are so pathetic."
Of course it was Stella's annoying little voice. I was just wearing the same Abercrombie shirt as Carmine and jeans. They were even different colors yet same design so I didn't get how I was a "copy cat."
"Stella, leave me alone." I said through clenched teeth.

Her best bitches Carmen and Hannah stopped me from passing. Carmen hit the books out of my hands. Stella got closer and we were literally face to face.

"Listen to me little wanna-be-bitch." She sneered, "You know that your brother and I have a little "thing" and you should stop trying to be so cool cause you're just an ugly animal. It's surprising Aiden has such good looks since your parents must be some type of ugly rats."
I could feel rage through my veins and my blood was starting to boil. "You are such a bitch and whore." I said it evenly even though I knew that I would go crazy any second.
"Yeah, I'm the whore." She said sarcastically. "I bet your pregnant sister doesn't even know who knocked her up. She's a slut."
How does she know about that!?
"That other one is such a bitch too. Yet, you're the worst. Your mom must be so ashamed."

I couldn't help myself. I pinned her to the nearest locker."You better shut your freaking mouth or I swear I will." "Punch me?" She said teasingly.
I didn't answer. Instead, my hand went up in a fist and came back down on her jaw.
"What the fu-?" I didn't let her finish her sentence before I was beating the shit out of her little head.

Her nose was dripping bloody and she tried to hit me back, but I was winning this fight. Carmen and Hannah didn't even help her. They just went, "Oh my gawd, Stella! Are you okay?"

I slammed my fist into her chest a few times and then said, "Don't talk to my family like that, bitch." I had her still pinned and I heard, "Whoa! Break it up ladies."

It was Garrett's voice. I knew he would probably side with me, but my heart sank when I heard him say, "Stel, are you okay?" He leaned down to comfort Stella who slid down to the floor.

"Yeah. She just attacked me. I don't know what her problem was." She sniffled.

Garrett totally bought it and to think I was actually friends with him. With that, I left. I just walked right through the exit doors. My books were still scattered on the floor, students were still in 3rd period, and Stella was still on the floor crying like a baby and babbling out lies to her friends and Garrett. I just kept walking even though I had nowhere to go.

The first thing I thought of was calling Aiden since he has a car and he is most likely ditching. On the third ring, he picked up."What?" He sounded half awake and the other half pissed off.
"Pick me up."
"43rd street by that McDonalds."
"Fine," Then he hung up.
15 minutes later, he arrived. I opened the passenger door and got in. "When did you start to ditch?" He smiled at me."I never started. I had to leave."
"I beat the crap out of Stella."
"That annoying girl in your class?"
"Yeah, the one you made out with at the party."
"Oh, shit. I was on some good shit. I don't even remember that. I made out with her?"
"Yes." I groaned. I knew he wouldn't remember. It felt good to know that the made-up relationship she had with him was total bs.

My head hurt so much and I wanted to take one more swing at her pretty little pathetic face. My knuckles also hurt from the times I slammed them on her bones.
"She seems like a slut." he stated drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
"She is.", I said as he made a U turn. "Where are we going?"
"You're hanging out with me today."   He grinned.
For smoking and other bad stuff he does, he still manages to have the best grin I've ever seen. After about 15 minutes of driving, we arrived at a little white house. My brother opened the door with a key and yelled, "Hey! Jennie's here!"

A half asleep guy came up to Aiden. He was only wearing boxers and his flippy hair was sticking out in different directions. "Hey man," He did a handshake with Aiden and then looked at me. "Damn dude you got a hot sister." Aiden just laughed and added, "Jennie this is Orlando." I smiled at him. He pulled me into a hug and whispered, "But you can call me anything you want."

His deep voice made my body tingle. He is as sexy as Taylor Lautner, but living and breathing in front of me. "Where's Kat?" my brother asked. He had a cat? "She's upstairs. I think she just got out of the shower." Now I realized that they were talking about a girl.

"Hey." I heard a girly voice say. She had light blonde hair and a lot of make up on.
"Jennie, this is Miss Kathryn Williams." Aiden said in a formal tone.
She smiled at me sweetly and added, "Call me Kat." Then she went over to my brother and he started to nibble on her neck. "I missed you." He said breathing heavily.

I had no idea my brother had a girlfriend or at least normal-like friends. "Let's go upstairs." She said kissing him and running upstairs. "If you hurt her, I will kill you!" Orlando shouted as Aiden raced upstairs. "It's weird having your best friend and sister fucking." He said."She's your sister?" "Yep," He said popping the p.

We walked to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer, and popped the top on the counter. He tossed me a coke, but I didn't open it. Then he said, "Why aren't you in school?" I pulled out a chair from the small table and sat down.
I shrugged and then said, "Why aren't you in school?"
"I've graduated."
"I go to community college, but I don't have any classes this day of the week." "I expected you to be Aiden's age."
"Where do you think he gets stuff from? I'm one year away from being 21. And I work in a bar so it's easy." he said, "Kat's 18. She's taking a year off."
"Oh." I don't know why but it never occurred to me that Aiden was the youngest in the house besides me, of course. Or that this girl was so much older than him. "So tell me again, why aren't you in school?" At this point, he was sitting next to me and he took a piece of my hair and moved it out of my face. It felt wrong because he was so much older. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. That made me feel better. Brandon didn't apologize when he made. move on me. Orlando had the decency to apologize. "What's the story?"
I had to figure how to say it.
"I- um- uhh... This girl Stella was talking shit about my family so I beat her up and then left before I could face consequences. Stella's an award winning liar and I'm failing many classes." I blabbered.
"You are such a badass." He said; taking a swig of his beer. I giggled.

Then he whispered, "It's kinda hot." I'm 14 for Christ's sake and this hot guy was sitting next to me clearly telling me I'm attractive. Just like Brandon had that one day. The feeling from him today though was... Wow. He leaned into me. His grey blue eyes looked mysterious and bloodshot and then I realized he wasn't sober and he raised his eyebrow slightly coming closer. Orlando was going to kiss me.

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