Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The slapping sound rung my ears for a long time and I waited for an apology yet it never came. All that continued was the sound of sobs. Not me.

My dad was crying. He had never cried since my mom's death. I wanted to comfort him, but my blood boiled with rage that he had the decency to hit me. "I can't stand to look at you guys and this house and her because I'm too angry with myself." I was speechless. Nothing could have prepared me for his next words.

"I had an affair."
"Get out! Get out! GET OUT!" I jumped out of my seat and looked at the man who created me and said, "I hate you," in the most calm, menacing voice I could manage.

Then I ran up to my room and slammed my door so hard, the wood split down the middle.


The next day, I was alone in the house chopping up carrots for a salad I wanted to make when my dad called me.
"What!" I snapped at him, glaring at the tile in front of me. He hasn't bothered to call for almost 24 hours. Should it really take this long to apologize? I was already years!
"I'm sorry."
"No," I said sternly. "If you are really sorry for leaving us, for abandoning us when we needed you, and mostly, for lying to us then show me. It's hard to forgive when I don't even know who you are. I probably knew Mom more than you and you have been in my life twice as long. Be my father even if you are a cheating lying son of a bitch. Be an adult. Be a parent. You had responsibilities. You have responsibilities! And if there is some gold digging whore on the side, dump her. Stop being a coward."
"Jennie. I can't make any pro-" I didn't want to hear it anymore.

I hung up on him and aggressively pounded the knife on the counter expecting me to cut the carrot but instead."FUCK!!!" I screeched. Pain shot through my left arm. I felt dizzy. Blood was spilling all over my counter and when I hung my head down using the counter for support, I saw my arm for the first time. I could see my bone protruding under the fractured skin. I quickly grabbed my cell calling the first number that popped into my head.

My body was getting weak and the blood kept spilling.
"I need help." I said shaking to the ground. I screamed in pain, tears squeezing out from my eyes. Then I saw the puddle of blood by me and I instantly threw up.
"Jennie! Jennie! Answer me! What's going on!?"
"Blood." I whispered losing the feeling in my arm and then I let blackness overtake me.

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