Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Instead, I found Aiden eating some leftover cold pizza. I guess I heard him shut the fridge.
"Hey." I said walking up to him.
"Hangovers are a bitch." He said giving me a lopsided sad grin.
"I'm so sorry, Aiden."
He ruffled his hair with one of his hands. Then looked me straight in the eyes, "I was going to ask her."
"Ask her what?"
"To marry me." He muttered finishing his pizza.
"I was going to stick up to dad tonight and tell him that I'm in love; I want to quit school, and get married to my dream girl. Maybe move to Colorado and save up to buy a house. But now she's gone! Gone forever! "He yelled pounding both fists on the counter and then placing them on the back of his neck.

I went over to him with my arms open. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to steady his breathing while I hugged him.
"It wasn't just physical. I love everything about her. She shouldn't have shot up that much. I should've stopped her. I..." He rambled then sighed.

I just squeezed him tighter hoping this would calm him down. Once his breathing was regular, I let go and Aiden went towards the liquor cabinet taking a bottle of scotch. He was walking towards the basement door. I had a feeling that once he went down there, he might not be coming back for a long time.
"Aiden don't!" I pleaded then added, "Dad's coming in a few hours."
"Ha!" He laughed sarcastically. "He just comes back into our lives when he wants to. My life doesn't include him anymore. He left us years ago; I wouldn't be surprised if he found a new family. Seven fucking years without him. We lost so much when Mom died. We practically had to grow up by ourselves and we all grew up fast. Screw him. I wish he wasn't my father."

And with that, a door was slammed on my face. Turning on my heel, I decided to get ready so I would be prepared to confront my dad tonight. I don't know why we waited this this many years.


At 6, the doorbell rang. I ran to open it putting a fake grin across my face. "Princess!" he said hugging me.
"Hey dad," I said uneasily yet he didn't notice. His grin was huge now, but I knew it would be quickly wiped off his face once we start dinner.
"I brought pasta from Maggiano's. Alfredo, your favorite."
'Actually, Dad. My favorite is chicken parm, but thanks for trying to know me.' I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue.
"Where are your siblings? I told them all to be here."
"Umm..." I looked around.

"Dad!" Tessa's voice sang from the stairs. She wore a fake grin too.
"Tess! You look beautiful!" he said kissing the top of her head. She was the oldest after all which meant she knew mom and dad longer before anything happened. "You look like you lost some weight."
She flinched at the comment, but again, he didn't notice.
"You look so mature. How's that boyfriend of yours? Uh, Ryan?"

Ryan was Tessa's boyfriend when she was around my age. They broke up years ago and then she found Brandon.

"Brandon," she corrected, "and we broke up. It turns out he wasn't who I thought he was."
"A pretty girl like you should have a man worthy." Tessa gave him a small smile and Kylie appeared behind her clutching her stomach and holding hands with Tyler.
"There's my pumpkin!" He said going over to Kylie. "And Tyler." He added hesitantly wondering why he was here.

Usually out dinners were strictly family.

"Hello sir." Ty said shaking my father's hand.
"Where's Aiden?" I asked before my dad could put the pieces together about Kylie's pregnancy.

Aiden finally came down after an awkward silence. I didn't ever hear him come out of the basement; let alone go upstairs. Now, he was coming down the stairs. Only...he didn't walk down the stairs. He stumbled.
"Dad," He slurred.

Oh no.

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