Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I knocked but heard no reply. Opening the door, I saw my sister's crumpled body on her bed. She is a good 5'6" but her body looked so small. I went over to her and draped my arms over her fragile body.
"He-he cheated on me!" She exclaimed between sobs.
"I know. You don't need him it's okay." I stroked her hair and rolled circles into her back causing her to calm down. My mother used to do that to me and I knew that Tess would need something to calm her.
When she calmed down she said, "Did you know about the other times he cheated on me?"
"Yeah," I said reluctantly. I didn't know how she would react; if she would yell or throw something at me. Instead, she just starts sobbing again.
"I thought losing the weight would make him like me more. I just kept feeling the pressure to be the size 1 and 2 that the girls I would see him hang out around or look at. I thought it was all me. It is all me. The way I look is why he cheated on me." she cried out.
"Nothing is wrong with you. He is an asshole. You're beautiful the way you are. You don't need to lose weight. You need to eat. Look at yourself!" I grabbed her hand pulling her off the bed and leading her to the full- body mirror she had.
I let her look at herself for a while before she said quietly, "I'm so fat and ugly!" The truth was that she still had her beauty, but she wasn't fat. She wasn't even close to normal. She had lost the muscle she used for cheerleading and she looked like a skeleton; all bones.

I took her hand and stood next to her. By comparison, I was huge. I'm thin, but not skinny and Tessa looked like a stick compared to me. "Wow." She commented as tears filled her eyes. I hugged her; Tight and lovingly, but not strong enough to hurt her fragile body.

Then I took out the one thing that I knew would either cheer her up or make her cry more. It was her prom dress; Light pink and sparkly. Her smile was present on her boney cheeks, but then it suddenly fell and she started sobbing again even harder than before and sat once again on her bed.

"Who am I going to go with?!?!" She shrieked burying her frail face into her hands. Prom was next Friday. She was drowning in her tears.
"You will find somebody. Trust me. Brandon isn't worth your tears and he isn't good enough to be your prom date." She frowned looking up from her hands. I sat down next to her, and I took my hand and lifted her chin, "I know you will fight me on this, but you are going through anorexia. You need to eat and embrace your inner and outer beauty. I'm scared for you. No boy is worth the pain you are going through. I want you to be happy. Mom would want you to be happy."

I handed her the letter that had Tessa scribbled on it. Then, I kissed her head and left. Softly closing the door behind me, I heard her open the letter. I don't know what Mom said, but somehow I knew that this would help Tessa be strong.

By the time I made my way downstairs, Aiden was already huddled in the basement in his "man cave." I knew he was mourning and probably drinking and I didn't want to disturb. I would wait until he was sober to talk to him and give him the letter. I don't want him to rip it out of grief while he is intoxicated.

I went into the living room carefully cleaning up the bottles that Aiden had left smashed on the floor. Then, I went in the kitchen looking through the refrigerator since I forgot to pack lunch. My stomach growled, but the refrigerator was practically empty. I sighed and slammed the fridge door shut. I had money and yet I didn't have happiness or food! Then I heard the keys jingling in the door and I silently prayed it wasn't my father.

I sighed in relief when I heard Kylie and Ty and smelled Chinese takeout. Ty carried the bag in setting it on the counter. "Hey Jennie." he said and Kylie smiled at me."Where are the others? I bought a lot of food." She said. I took the container of sesame chicken and went to go find a fork. Kylie waited for my answer, but I didn't want to give her one. I stabbed a piece of chicken with my fork putting it in my mouth and chewing slowly, savoring the taste. I closed my eyes.

"Earth to Jennie! Where are Tessa and Aiden?" She asked shaking me and causing me to almost choke. I sighed, (I did that a lot today.)
"Brandon cheated on Tessa... Again. Aiden's girlfriend overdosed."
"Wait Aiden had a girlfriend?"
"She's gone now and he isn't taking it well. He's probably passed out in the basement."
"Oh no. Dad won't be happy with him." " I know right."
"Tyler and I decided to tell Dad tomorrow since I'm 2 months along." Ty took her hand in his.

After she told him she was pregnant, he asked her for time. Just today, he was ready to take full responsibility. I'm glad he did because then there would be another mess that I would have to mop up.

Ty looked like Garrett, tall with brown hair and eyes. The only difference was age and the fact that Ty was Kylie's and Garrett wasn't mine.

I muttered cool and then took the chicken; aiming to finally go upstairs and lock myself in my room.
"Jennie wait," Ty's voice said.
I turned around."Yeaaah?" I said questioningly.
"Garrett wanted to tell you that he's sorry."

As soon as I heard his name, I turned back around. I mumbled whatever running to my room and slamming the door in a dramatic effect. I locked the door, put the chicken on the nearest dresser, and jumped onto my plush mattress. Then, I cried myself to sleep.

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