Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"AIDEN!!!! No!!!!" Orlando jerked away from me."Thank god that didn't happen. You look like someone I used to know. It doesn't matter. You are way too young. " He said running his hand through his hair. "I'm too old for you. Forget that ever happened. Deal?"

Kat came running in only to be wearing a tank top and underwear. My brother was chasing her only in his boxers. "Babe, give me my pants." She giggled running around. Eventually, he caught her, and then they were in a full make-out session on the couch. Aiden was pulling on her tank top.
"Aiden, we don't need a sex show."
He looked at me and said sheeply, "Oops. Sorry. Haha."
They were soon gone.
"You hungry?" Orlando asked me.

We ordered pizza. Cheese to be exact. When it got here, Aiden and Kat decided to join us. I bit into the hot pizza while Kat was sitting on Aiden's lap, letting him feel her all over. I could tell my brother was so happy around her. I can't believe I never knew he had a girlfriend. I guess he really didn't mean to lock lips with Stella. It makes me sad that I don't even know important details about my own family. And it took me snapping to get to this conclusion.

A few hours later, after a long time and intense game of monopoly, Aiden decided to take me back to the house. "How do you like my friends?" He asked.
"They are fun. You are really happy with Kat aren't you?"
He looked over to me giving me a big goofy grin. "She's great. I love her."
"You mean love love?" I asked.
"Yeah," he smiled at me and ruffled my hair like he used to as kids.I smiled at him and then the car was silent for the rest of the ride yet it wasn't awkward.

When he pulled up I said, "Aren't you coming in?"
"Nahh. There is this party and I'm going with Orlando and Kat. I won't be home tonight."
"Okay." I got out of the car and ran up to the door and unlocked it.

It was only 3:30 and the house was empty. I ran up to my room plopping on my bed. I heard my phone buzz and say it was a text from my dad.

DAD: Principal called saying you left school. Go to school tomorrow.

He didn't say anything like: are you okay? Or what happened? No. He was being the cold-hearted father I have had to deal with since I was 7. I just responded with a simple "k."
Then he texted back.
DAD: Coming home on Wednesday night for family dinner. Make sure everyone is free.

He did this about once every few months and I hated them. He would either just yell at us or drink while we sat there silently knowing that this wasn't going to get better. Last time he lashed out at Aiden about illegally buying drugs which led Aiden to leave the house and we thought maybe he'd follow him, but then he drank a whole bottle of vodka and passed out. The next morning, I woke up to an empty house. Tessa always went over to friend's while Kylie spent time at the Penton's.

I could not imagine how he would react to Kylie's pregnancy or my fight. He was never violent with any of us. He never had a drinking problem before my mom died. He was a loving dad that only got angry enough to yell at us and then apologized right away if he made us cry. Now, he threw money at us and hoped that we could take care of ourselves. I didn't want to wait and see what'd he'd think of the messed up kids he left in this house. It scares me to death.


The next morning I was waiting at my bus stop alone. My iPod was on full volume and I tried to drown out my thoughts. My stomach clenched as I thought about seeing Stella and Garrett. I was so stupid to think that he actually liked talking to me, and that we'd have some trust built up by that one conversation. Stella had to ruin my life. I never win.

The bus arrived just as it started raining. I found the closest empty seat and put my head down. I knew that other people were on the bus including Garrett, but I couldn't get myself to look up. As soon as I walked through the doors of Adams Junior High, a teacher took me to the office.

Gossip traveled fast. I could hear the people talking since I took my ear buds out and my name was in every single conversation. I wanted to die. I also noticed that the hallway was cleaned where the incident occurred. I was escorted to my Principal, Mr. Smith's office. "Jennie, I have your belongings that you left behind when you carelessly walked out of this school after assaulting a student."

He put my backpack on his desk and slid it over to me. I grabbed while I evened my breathing. He also told me how Stella's blood "accidentally" got all over my social studies stuff. That means I had to pay $60 for a new book and replace my folder.
"And you are also suspended for the rest of the week. Today is in school and you will be spending your day talking to our counselor, Mrs. Day. "
I got up and rushed out of his office going to Mrs. Day's."Jennie." She greeted me with a huge smile.

She is the only person I actually really like in the school besides my English teacher. My teachers would suggest that I talk to her. I didn't feel like talking though. I never did. It hurt too much to admit how I felt and how broken I am inside. "Talk when you're ready." She whispered. I looked at my purple converse that I was wearing and thought for hours. Should I tell her now?

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