Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You're so pretty." Garrett said to me looking into my eyes, his eyes slightly twinkling.
"Thank you." I blushed. He gave me a smile and I returned it. We were sitting on a bench below a willow tree.
He slid closer to me and then added, "I've liked you for so long that I can't believe this is actually happening."
I leaned towards him and them whispered, "Me either."

With that he captured my lips leaving a tingling sensation on my mouth. He kissed me fiercely and I let him take control. When we pulled away, he stroked my face and I smiled widely.

"Jennie! Garrett!" My mom's voice shouted. My mom? She was alive? Suddenly I was younger again and so was Garrett. He had his front teeth missing and my hair bounced in pigtails. I could've sworn that I was 14? Not 7. I ran towards my mom leaving Garrett behind. When I got to her, I leaped to hug her and then fell flat on my face. She vanished and I looked down and I was 14 again and my arm was missing.


"Shut up." I groaned. My head was killing me and that sound was annoying the hell out of me.
"Jennie?" A person's voice asked.

I opened my heavy eyes and put a goofy grin on my face. Garrett was face to face with me. I slowly licked my lips thinking of my dream then I frowned looking at my surroundings. I was in a hospital. Why? Wait, why was Garrett here with me? I tried moving, but it hurt to move one of my arms. Garrett was watching me curiously. I used my right arm to look under the bandage surrounding my left wrist and forearm. "Oh!" I exclaimed looking wide eyed at the damage.

My skin was punctured with about 15 staples trying to mend my sliced skin. I touched the skin and then pain shot up my arm and I winced.
"Are you okay?" Garrett said softly. For a minute, I forgot he was in here with me.
I shook my head and then his face went into serious mode.
"Did you do this on purpose?" He asked making me look at him shocked.

Why would I do this intentionally to myself? It hurt like a mother. I wouldn't jeopardize my body for emotional reason. He looked at me worriedly and expectantly.
"No!" I said a little too defensively. "Just making sure." he responded sighing. "How did you cut yourself?"
"I was cutting a carrot and the knife slipped."
"Were you using a huge knife?"
"Kind of," I said attempting to shrug but hurting myself in the process.
"Was there motive?"
"I was cutting the carrot to eat and my dad called and then I hung up on him and slammed the knife down on what I thought was the carrot."
"What did he call about?" It was getting too personal. We weren't even friends. "It's nothing." I said hoping he would drop the subject.

Sadly, he didn't seem to notice. "Did he do anything? Was it your-"
"Jennie!" Kylie burst through the door holding balloons and flowers. Ty trailed behind her with a Teddy bear giving Garrett a nod and me a smile. I could see a black eye. Kylie put everything at the end of my bed and Ty placed the stuffed animal on my bed.
"Are you okay? I was shopping with Jessica to clear my mind from ya know last night and my phone died so I didn't know that you got hurt and then Tyler was trying to find me after he dropped you off in the ER with Garrett and when he finally did find me, I felt so guilty for not staying home and..." She rambled on.
"Kylie!" I yelled stopping her from talking anymore. "I'm okay. I will be fine. Where are Tessa and Aiden?"

As far as I knew, Aiden had gone over to Orlando's house to help him with funeral and wake arrangements and he was oddly sober this morning. I somehow knew he had read his letter. Tessa was going to do some shopping since her clothes were too big and then she had some other plans. Then Kylie asked me if she could go shopping with her friend since I was still in a pissy mood from dinner. I let her go expecting that he wouldn't call me.

"Tessa hasn't responded to my texts because she has been in therapy for her uh condition and Aiden is cleaning up the blood and stuff all over the kitchen. The way he explained it, I'm glad I didn't go home before coming here."
"There was so much blood." I whispered shuttering at the memory. "What happened?"
I looked at Ty and he said, "Oh, Garrett want to maybe go get some food in the cafeteria?" to give us some space. When they were gone I started to explain.
"Dad had called me while I was cutting up some veggies to make a salad." "What did he say?"
"Stuff that ticked me off."
"Jen, what happened last night after I left?"
"Dad told me that he had being having-"

Suddenly, the once closed door burst open and in came the devil. His suit shirt looked wrinkled and he appeared to have not slept last night. "I'm here. I'm not leaving." He stated.

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