Behind My Blue Eyes- Chapter 1

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I wrote this a few years back, when I was in 8th grade. If I get 1,000 reads, I will start to publish the sequel that I am working on. There might be errors because I am currently editing it. Thanks and enjoy :)


I'm only 14 and my life is a mess. My mom died when I was 7 so my dad had the responsibility of raising 4 kids on his own. We all have secrets. I'm failing every single subject except gym and English. My 16 year old sister is trying to hide her pregnancy. My 17 year old brother is into drugs. And my 18 year old sister has lost 20 pounds in a few weeks because she won't touch any food. For the most part, my life sucks and my dad isn't home enough to care. On top of all of this, I'm left wondering if the boy I like will ever dump his girlfriend and realize that he likes me.


Chapter 1

I stood in Kylie's doorway. Her eyes were red and puffy. When she noticed my presence, she threw a book at me. I dodged and stepped closer instead of away. "Jennie," She begged. "Leave." She continued to sob. I shrugged and sat on her bed looking at the item she had in her hands. It was a pregnancy test. Sure enough, it was positive.

That didn't shock me. It had been about a month since I accidentally walked in on my 16 year old sister Kylie having sex with her boyfriend, Tyler, or more commonly known as Ty. I usually stayed after school for tutoring on Thursdays, because God knows I need it. But I skipped it one day. When I opened the door, I saw a sight that would scar me for life. My sister looked at me wide eyed and the Ty did the same. I quickly ran to my room, but the imagine still burned in my mind.

Now the plus sign should show her that she made a huge mistake. "Don't tell dad." She pleaded. "Sure." I responded. It wasn't like he would notice anything anyway. He hasn't been home for more than a day since my mom died when I was 7. Over the years, he's become a workaholic. Yeah, that rolled a lot of money in, but my family fell apart. My brother, Aiden, now spent his allowance on drugs. I had nice clothes and food on the table every night, but it was mostly just frozen pizza that i had to make myself.

My life was just getting harder and now Kylie was pregnant. On top of that, there is Aiden's spiraling addiction and my 18 year old sister's anorexia. My dad didn't even care enough to find those things out about my siblings. I have a secret too. I'm failing 8th grade. The only A I'm getting is in gym and a B- in English. Science is a solid 57%. Math, don't even get me started. School is pointless. I mean, when you have to make dinner every night and clean the house and make sure that your brother hasn't OD'd and your sister is at least eating something, doing homework is not on my #1 thing to do list.

I mean, can you blame me? I think I have bigger problems at home that don't need to include school too. Once Kylie calmed down, we sat silently in front of the TV watching Jersey Shore. Nobody was home, but us. Tessa, my oldest sister, was probably with her football captain boyfriend, Brandon, was was not only an asshat, but a manipulative person. Aiden was most likely getting high. He worried me, once he turned 14, he has made stupid mistakes. He has gotten arrested twice, and my dad, a lawyer, bailed him out. Then there are the countless driving, parking, and other tickets that he's obtained. He is the type of person who also gets in several fights at school. If he doesn't get his act together, he might have to stay in school another year to get all of his credits to graduate. Nobody knows if he will even go to college.

I try to think of the good times with him before my mother died because we used to be close. We share our blue eyes. My mom had the prettiest blue eyes which Aiden and I got. Aiden and Kylie also got her blond hair. Kylie and Tessa have my father's brown eyes and Tessa and I have his dark brown hair.

Behind My Blue EyesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora