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Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.
-John F. Kennedy

                It started in the late nights of October 23, 2039. I was at home watching TV with my friends. Things were normal then but everything change when my dad and his guards rushed in and took my friends and I to safety. I continue to ask my father what was going on but he would not answer any of my questions. I was scared. I thought of the worst things. China or maybe Japan was sending some advance bomb our way and was going to wipe out the United States. However, it was much worse than that.

               Two months later after much talk and debate us Americans. No we humans! Went to war. It was the first time all humans from all over the world came together. It wasn’t about fighting each other anymore. No this was bigger. We were going to war with Vampires.

                Many people such as Twilight lovers thought their dream was coming true. They thought they were going to fall in love with a beautiful vampire and live happily ever after. No, these vampires were vicious and angry and they were ready to wipe out us humans. However, the war went differently than we expected. Us humans thought we were only going to last so long because vampires were stronger, faster, and in some ways smarter but no we were ready.

 A scientist name Dr. Jules had created one of the greatest weapons. It was a hyper magma gun. Meaning the bullets held a certain liquid that burned vampire’s insides out. That was only the beginning though. It went from guns to grenades and on to atomic bombs and other advance weapons. No one was winning the war. However if you looked around we were only destroying the world slowly turning it black.

That is when I come in. They say I’m the reason the world is at peace now. I’m the reason why Vampires and humans can live together peacefully. I will go down in history as the bravest person in the world and honestly I was forced to do what I did. I didn’t want any part of it but now everything in the world is better.

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