Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Amelia sat in a large room that was design for important meetings. She was here to speak with the other Crowned heads. It was five of them. They were the most powerful vampires in the world. Their families were living since the beginning of time. Amelia looks around and catches the Japanese eye. He infuriated her to the fullest. He only smirks her way making her hiss. Why the hell was she here?

“Amelia.” One of the women speaks. Amelia looks up into the eyes of another Queen. She smile her way but Amelia only rolled her eyes because she knew everyone wanted something from her. “I’m so happy you were able to make it.”

“Get to the point.” Amelia sips her red wine and sits up. “Why have you called me here? I quite remember that you told me to fuck off the last time I came.” Amelia sucks her teeth and then says, “So cut the shit Helen.”

Helen flips her black hair and goes to sit in her seat. She was so overly dramatic. Amelia never liked her. William who was the King of South America stands and explains, “Look Amelia.”

“Yes William.”

“The reason we called you here is because well as you know the war has been going on for five years now.”

Amelia sips her wine and says, “This is my problem because.”

“It is all of our problems Amelia.” William stresses. “The humans are winning this war.”

Amelia almost chokes on her wine. She quickly covers it up though and her perfect sculpture eyebrow rises in questioning, “What do you mean William.” She snaps.

“Well when Dr. Jules created the hyper magma gun we thought it was not going to be a problem. However, as time went by Dr. Jules weapons have become powerful.”

“Then find this Doctor and rip out his fucking throat.” Amelia sneers.

“Already ahead of you honey.” Helen speaks. Amelia rolls her eyes and then asks, “Than I ask again Helen. Why have you called me here?”

“The mission was a fail Amelia.”

Amelia rolls her eyes and says, “Typical.”

William fixes his tie on his suit and then starts, “Well we have the advantage here.”

“Keep talking.”

“The humans do not know they are winning this war. The humans blew up our last base but no one has confirmed it because the man who blew it was luckily killed before he could reach the United States border line.” William explains. “However, in a week I say they will send someone to confirm it.”

“Okay so what?” Amelia asks. “You want money. You need weapons. I don’t understand William.”

“We have talked to the Americans.”


“We spoke of a treaty”

“Okay.” Amelia replies. “And what did the stupid humans say.”

“The President feels as if we should live among each other.”

“I understand William so what is your point. You want me to give up my land because if that is it the answer is no.”

“That is not it.” Williams says. “You’re the only one who hasn’t married yet Amelia.” William speaks and then gulps looking around the table for help. Amelia sneers. “The President believes if one of us powerful families marry a human that it will show the world peace and the humans and vampires will accept each other better.”

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