Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Aria had finally got the baby to stop crying. She smiles up at her and makes the baby giggle. She was so adorable. “Hello.” Aria coos in her baby voice. “You must be hungry huh?” The baby giggles and begins to kick its small feet. Aria positions the baby on her hip and says, “Okay I think we have some apple sauce down stairs until we can get to some baby food okay sweetie.”

The baby buries her head into the crook of Aria neck. They both travel down the spiral steps and Aria holds the child on her hip as she looks for something to eat. She grins when she finds the apple sauce. They go sit in the living room and Aria slowly feeds the child. She thought it would be a fuss to get the young baby to eat but surprisingly the baby ate with no problem. “You were hungry huh?” Aria comments running her hands through the little hair the baby had.

The brown eyes looks up at her and then yawns. Aria smiles at how adorable the little baby was. She lifts her up and mumbles, “Let get you to bed.”

Aria walks upstairs and enters her chambers. She frowns because she hasn’t seen Amelia since the child was drop off. She lays the baby down onto her soft bed and the child begins to burst into tears. “Shhh.” Aria begins to pat and rub the baby stomach softly. She takes off her sandals and crawls into the bed next to the baby. After talking to the child in her baby voice, the baby was asleep.

Aria looks at the clock and notice it is six in the morning. She yawns in her hand and tries to wait up for Amelia but before she knew it she was asleep.


Amelia was in shocked. She was sitting on her bed crying in her hands. She couldn’t believe her child had survived. They told her that it died a few minutes after birth because it couldn’t breathe. Amelia cries harder and her sadness quickly turns into anger. She storms out her room and grabs a phone.

“Hello.” She hears a velvet voice on the other end.

“You told me she died!” Amelia growls. “I’m going to fucking kill you for lying to me Helen. I thought you cared for me. I wouldn’t think you would do something like that to me. What my parents offer you to keep your mouth shut huh?”

“Amelia sweetie calm down. What are you talking about?”

“My child! My baby. Someone name Harold brought a baby to me and said she was mines. How is that possible Helen?” Amelia begins to break into tears again. This would surprise anyone but not Helen. She had seen the vampire in her worst moments.

“Stay with me Amelia. I’m on my way.”

Amelia falls to the floor burying her face into her hands.


Aria is awoken by movement in the bed. She smiles thinking it is Amelia. She laughs. She had to tell Amelia about her dream. Aria opens her eyes slowly and almost falls out the bed. It wasn’t a dream. A baby was in her bed.

Aria rubs her eyes and blinks thinking the baby will disappear but it doesn’t it just stare at her and then begin to giggles because she thinks it is making funny faces at her. Aria cannot do anything but laugh and continue to give the baby funny and ugly faces. “Come mere.” She coos and grabs the baby throwing it up in the air.

She begins to make airplane noises and says, “You are flying. Yes you are.” She looks at the baby with light brown eyes and frowns. What if it is someone else baby and they will want her back.

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