5: 54 p.m

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"Hey, Franklin! I'm superawesomemegafoxyhot today!"

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"Hey, Franklin! I'm superawesomemegafoxyhot today!"

"Serena, can you not call right now? I'm trying to study."

"Ew, you're such a nerd. Why would you do that to yourself?"

"Because I'm trying to get good grades and get into a good university so I could get a good job and if I don't I'll be miserable, unemployed and broke AND I'LL DIE ALONE."

"How did we get from nerds to dying alone?"

"Aren't they synonymous?"

 "...Damn, Franklin. Your sassy is getting good."

"Well, thank you."

"I have taught you well, Franklin-san."

"Yeah, well I'm studying because I want to go to med school."

"Ooh, med school? Do you want to be a doctor? Why? So you get to see other people's tits and dicks?" 

"No! God, no. It's because I want to help people!"

"Don't lie, Franklin. There's no need to hide your sexual predator nature. This is a no judgement zone."

"I just want to help people! Is that so hard to believe? Besides, the money for it is good."

"Eh, trying to make money myself is too exhausting and too much work. You have to get good grades and shit so I think I'll just marry somebody rich." 

"What? No! You should marry because you like the guy, not for his money."

"...wait, you don't do that?"

"Serena, it's not the eighteenth century. You don't have to marry for money."


"I mean don't you want a happy life where you marry the one you love?"

"Franklin, I hope you know that marrying a starving artist is not as romantic when you're actually starving. Financial independence and a Mercedes Benz is sexy." 

"You're so materialistic." 

"I prefer 'thinking ahead' but thank you!"





jk jk. but seriously this has become a running joke with my friends and i. it's like 'its so hard to be successful dammit just marry someone success PROBLEM SOLVED'


i swear to god, that's my mother talking. she's like:

"I will be happy with whoever you marry. Just as long as he's rich."

Ah, Asian moms. XD 

vote and comment pwease. please check out my other stuff too, like boys of suburbia and the girl who saw through jem. :)

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