Bruce Imagine-Tis But A Scratch

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You, Clint, and Natasha were on your way back from a mission. The only problem being that you had gotten shot in the left shoulder and Clint had a couple cuts.

Once you made it back Bruce was waiting with Helen to give you both necessary medical attention. Helen worked to give Clint stitches, while Bruce gave you meds to knock you out.

After about an hour Bruce had extracted the bullet and stitched up the wound and the meds were beginning to wear off. As you stir awake, you hear a voice and decide to leave your eyes closed and listen.

"Why does Fury keep sending you on these missions?" You notice small gaps almost as if Bruce is sobbing. "I don't know what I would do if you didn't come back from one." He grabs your hand, and says "I wish you would decide to stay home from at least some of these missions." You smiled upon hearing this. "After all, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you before getting to tell you how much I love you."

At these words you jolt into a sitting position, and immediately regret it when you feel a burst of pain in your shoulder. Bruce immediately reacts by asking, "Are you okay?"

"Of course," you reply, "Tis but a scratch."

He laughs at your Monty Python reference, and awkwardly backs away from you. With one hand rubbing the back of his neck he says, "I guess you heard that, didn't you?" You nod and tell him to come sit by you.

He winces, keeping his eyes shut tightly, thinking that you are about to reject him. Instead you gently lean forward and kiss his lips, and he immediately returned the favor.

After a while you pull away and lean back onto your pillow. Bruce moves to leave the room, when you grab his hand, and ask, "Cuddles?"

He chuckles and replies with, "That depends, will you be my girlfriend?" Your only reply was an excited nod, prompting him to crawl into bed behind you, wrap his arms around you and whisper sweet nothings until you drift back to sleep.

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