20K Contest

10.8K 76 35

I've been thinking about having a contest. Instead of the regular write an imagine/ one shot I wanted to have you guys get in teams of two ( 1 writer and 1 artist) and create a matching story and drawing. Seeing as most of you probably don't know each other, I would like you to comment w or a for writer and artist respectively and wa if you'd be okay with doing either. Once you've found someone who you would like to work with comment a proposed team name under their comment, and to agree to work with someone respond by commenting "pineapples"

1. Be nice to your fellow competitors.
2. Tag me in the story or comment on here once it's posted.
3. When you post the story, put your team name and the name of both competitors at the beginning of the story.
4. Must be an original story and original peice
5. Breaking of #1 or #4 leads to immediate disqualification

1. I will be scoring each team on a scale of 1-10 in each of the following: ·Creativity of drawing
·Creativity of writing
· Cohesiveness
· Rules met
· Grammar & Punctuation ( Obviously only writing.)
*Bonus Points. (1-7 each)*
· Story is about the Avengers
· Drawing is colorful
· Read, and compliment other competitors stories

Other Information:
If unable to find a partner message me. In the case of a significant amount of this I will allow for people to be on 2 teams.

The contest ends on September 20th, and results will be posted September 25th-ish.Good luck and may the force be with you.

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