How You Kiss

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Tony: It's always a bit rough, and his hands are usually in your back pockets.

Steve: He usually won't go past a quick peck.

Bruce: He is very delicate with you and lightly places a hand on your hip while his other snakes around to your back.

Thor: He has to pick you up so that you're both comfortable when you kiss.

Clint: You two don't kiss very often, but when you do, both of you are very passionate about it.

Natasha: She likes to tangle her hands in your hair while you kiss, tugging on it when things get heated.

Pietro: He loves running up to you, kissing you passionately, and then running away before you can respond.

Wanda: Your kisses are very gentle, but filled with love none the less.

Loki: When you two kiss, he gets very controlling and will usually have pinned against the wall.

Bucky: He keeps both hands on your waist, while your fingers are in his belt loops, both of you pulling the other closer.

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