Where They Kiss You

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Steve: He loves kissing your nose. He's always amused by the giggling that ensues.

Tony: Your neck. He doesn't care if everyone's watching, he would do anything to get the reaction that kissing your neck causes.

Bruce: Your cheek. It's easier for him to lean over and kiss you on three cheek when you're distracted. Italy's gets your attention.

Clint: Your eyelids. He loves watching your eyes flutter shut at the simple gesture.

Natasha: Your lips. You two don't kiss too often, so Nat likes to make sure that when she does it she does it right.

Thor: The back of your hands. It is what he was taught as a child.

Wanda: Your collarbone. She loves watching your face as she kisses you, and this leaves her where she can.

Pietro:Anywhere he can. Since his kisses are a spur of the moment kind of thing, he'll kiss you wherever he can mid-run.

Loki: The top of your head. Since he's so much taller than you, it is simple for him to kiss you here.

Bucky: Your temple. He likes to kiss your temple because he can do it while you two cuddle.

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1. Who's your favourite Avengers / Avengers AoU character is your favorite?
2. Which character do you think I have been writing best?

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