TV Show You Watch Together

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Tony: Supernatural - He just fell involve with the characters, especially Dean.

Bruce: Doctor Who - He loves the science behind the show and the vulnerability of the characters.

Thor: America's Funniest Videos - Need I explain?

Steve: NCIS - He loves that Gibbs is so set in his morals, anS that McGee reminds him of himself before the war

Clint: Castle - He loves that the show kept a sense of humor about itself even in the middle of a murder investigation.

Natasha: New Girl - She loves seeing a show that had his just as stupid as the ones she deals with.

Pietro: Impractical Jokers - He loves watching the his try to ruin each other's challenges.

Wanda: Sherlock - She enjoys seeing the complexity of the characters.

Loki: Hannibal - Sometimes it concerns you how much he loves this show.

Bucky: He doesn't like watching any specific show. You two will just watch whatever's on.

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