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This rant will seem off at first. DO NOT read if you don't understand the U.S. Government, because if you do that you will not understand what I am saying so you will misinterpret it entirely.

Okay I want to start this off by saying that I am 100% pro-gay rights, after all I am bi. This is a rant about our government not the social issue.
Here's my problem with the U.S. Supreme Court;
They have broken federal laws by writing legislature. Their job is to say whether or not a law is constitutional, while congress is tasked with actually writing laws. They have done this twice within two days, once with health care and once with gay marriage. Which brings me too the second issue, they only made this decision because it would cause such an uproar publicly. The reason the court did this was that they needed to distract from the blatant disregard for the Constitution the day before. Thirdly, though I love the decision, it is likely to fall apart, causing even more problems within our nation. If they had handled this by telling the states that they have to rewrite the laws that they currently have because they were unconstitutional, as opposed to creating a law illegally, I would be much happier because it shows proper standings in our country.
If this offended you, I'm sorry for that, but I must also ask you to explain what you found offensive, because I would like to understand your point of view. Before you comment I must reiterate that, I love the decision, I just wish that it were to have been handled through legal means, and for the right reasons.

I will post a real update tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.

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