How You Met

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Tony: You had just gotten a job at Stark Industries as a lab technician, and today was your first day on the job. You were on your way back down to the lab with coffee in hand. As you got to the elevator, the doors opened and someone rushed out of the elevator and straight into you, knocking you and the coffee over. Also in the elevator happened to be Tony Stark. He immediately helped you up and helped you clean off your labcoat.

Bruce: You were in the library studying for an upcoming test in chemistry. The library was basically empty except for you, the librarian, and a tall guy with glasses at another table. You had been reading for a while and we're starting to doze off, when you were jolted awake by someone tapping on your shoulder. Then you hear a soft voice saying, "Hi um, I'm Bruce. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you needed some help because you seem to be having some trouble." You accepted his offer and after an hour of studying with Bruce's help, you two had to leave because the library was closing.

Clint: You had joined S.H.I.E.LD. a few weeks ago, and had been sparring with Natasha, but today she was on a mission. She told you to go ahead and work out without her, and that she would send someone else for sparring practice. Whoever she sent wasn't here yet, so you went over to the punching bag and practiced by yourself. Once you finished with that you ended up glancing up to find a man starring at you from the vents. He jumped down and told you that he would be sparring with you. Once you got over the fact that he'd been kind of being a creep, you to hit it off, and became friends almost instantly.

Natasha: You were at one of Tony's ridiculously large parties, and were incredibly bored. After about 2 hours you were about ready to go home, when you found yourself being dragged across the party by Tony himself. Once he finally let go of you, you found yourself in front of a beautiful red head.You two talked for a few minutes and ended up leaving together to go get pizza.

Steve: You were taking your dog out on a walk I'm the park, when you accidentally let go of the leash, and he took off. You tried stopping him, but you weren't fast enough, because by the time you caught up to him he was jumping up on a stranger. You apologised to him and were about to leave when he stopped you and gave you his name and number.

Thor: You were shopping when suddenly you heard a booming voice on the other end of the aisle. The man appeared to be upset about there being no more poptarts, so you went up to him and offered to go to another store with him and buy him some poptarts.

Pietro: You were running at the park just trying to clear your head, when you feel a gust of wind, and see a grey blur go past you. This happened again seconds later, but this time he stopped in front of you and gave you a peice of paper with a phone number on it before speeding off again.

Wanda:You two had been friends since you were children. When you were younger you two had both felt like you were so different from your classmates until you met each other.

Loki: You were a good friend of Thor's and he was finally bringing you with him to Asgard. Once you were there Thor had to speak with his father, so you were left to wander around alone, the first place you went to was the library, that's where you found one of the most interesting books you had ever read, so you grabbed it and went in search of a good place to read. Eventually you stumbled upon the rainbow bridge and the young Asgardian Prince as well. You say with Loki and read your book. Once you finished you two had a deep conversation regarding the characters and theme of the book.

Bucky: You were a S.H.E.I.L.D. agent, and you were assigned by Nick Fury to keep a close watch on him without letting him notice. One day you had followed him into a coffee shop andy down a pretty good ways away from him. After he was about half way done with his coffee he got up and sat at your table saying, "You know, the most important thing in following people is don't act suspicious. You'd have done a great job if you would've sat closer instead of avoiding me" and then he just left his phone number and walked away.

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