Who They're Jealous of and Why.

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Tony: Steve - He's never felt that He deserves you, so he gets insecure when he sees you around a guy like Steve, who is very chivalrous and kind.

Bruce: Tony - Bruce was well aware that you loved him, but every time you were near Tony he felt that you might decide you wanted a relationship without a man who could at any moment turn into a monster.

Steve: Bucky - When he was younger, Bucky always got the girl, so naturally once he developed feelings for you he was scared that you'd prefer Bucky, like many girls before you had.

Thor: Clint - You were very good friends with Clint, making Thor feel like he never was as close to you as Clint was.

Clint: Pietro - Clint didn't know why, but he always felt like he was inferior to Pietro, and was scared that you might think the same thing one day.

Natasha: Wanda - Whenever you were upset you immediately went yup Wanda, leaving Natasha to deal with the fear of you loving Wanda more than you did her.

Wanda: Natasha - Natasha was your sparring partner meaning that you two were in close quarters quite often. Just the thought of this drove Wanda to learn how yup fight, just to replace Natasha as your sparring partner.

Pietro: Thor - Thor's physique made it easy to get jealous when he was around.

Loki: Bruce - Loki constantly feared that one day you might trade him in for a guy like Bruce, who possessed the same level intelligence but fought for the good guys.

Bucky: Steve - Bucky never understood how you could love him even with the knowledge that he killed people, so her always felt as though you belonged with someone who was 100% good. O.j. his eyes Steve fit the bill.

A/N - I was thinking of posting some poetry that I have written, but to do so I would need to have somebody to read over it before I publish it. Comment or message if you're interested, thanks. By theytalk you so very much for over 1,000 reads. That's frickin' fantastic! I love you all!

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