You Wear Something of Theirs

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Tony: You were at Tony's house after getting into a huge fight with your parents. Tony was comforting you until you started to doze off, he then got up to get you something more comfortable to sleep in. He finally found his Black Sabbath shirt, and walked over to you to get you up so you could change. Once you got dressed he cuddled with you until you fell asleep.

Steve: He wasn't supposed to find out. As soon as he left for the store, you decided to try on his original Captain America suit. The only problem was that he forgot to grab his wallet, so he came back inside only to see you in full costume. He couldn't help laughing.

Bruce: You two were cuddling and watching movies together when Bruce noticed that you were shivering. Not wanting you to be cold he gets up and grabs another one of his sweatshirts to give to you. Once he found it he made you put it on before he would cuddle with you again.

Natasha: Tony had dragged you two into going to one of his parties, so you were both getting ready. Your makeup, and hair were done, and Nat had just zipped your dress up for you. There was only one problem: none of your shoes matched your dress. Nat realized this and dug through her closet and found you the perfect pair. You put them on, and you two rushed out the door showing up almost an hour late.

Thor: You were bored, so when you found Thor's cape, naturally you had to wear it. As soon as you put it on, you began jumping off of furniture pretending to be flying. Thor was quite confused when he returned.

Pietro: You two had been running together, even though he would usually run so fast that you might as well have ran in your own. Today though none of your running shirts were clean. You we're content to not run today, but Pietro was not. He made you wear one of his shirts instead, you weren't happy about that.

Wanda: Wanda was with her brother, so you were home alone. It was kind of cold, so you decided to borrow her jacket. When she got back she was met with the sight of you curled up in a ball on the couch wearing her jacket, she decided that you should wear her stuff more often.

Loki: Loki was in a bad mood, so you decided to show him how annoying it was. You put on his armor and matched back into the room complaining about everything. Suddenly you hear Loki say, "I must admit you look ravishing in my clothing, but I would rather it on the floor."

Bucky: You two were on a date in the park, when Bucky noticed another man admiring your figure, so Bucky decided to scare him off. He took his arm from around you so he could take his jacket off and put it on you, not only did this cover you up, but it also revealed his metal arm. Glancing back he noticed the man had left.

Sorry for not updating, but I've just had a lot of stuff going on. Some of you may be wondering where Clint is, but don't fret. I got carried away when writing Clint's, so he gets his own chapter. Stay shiny everyone!

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