Your Favorite Thing About Them

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Tony: His sarcasm. He never took any situation too seriously, and you loved it because it always kept you from getting too upset.

Bruce:His intelligence. Even though it confused you, you always loved to hear him talk about science.

Steve: His eyes. Every time you looked into his eyes, you could see his honesty and how much he loves you.

Clint: You love his ability to keep his personal life and work life separate.

Natasha: Her warmth. She was always standoffish in public, but once you were alone she was the kindest person in the world.

Thor: His innocence. He was very childlike in his mannerisms, and that never failed to make you smile.

Pietro: His wit. He was always quick to throw a joke out there, just to lighten the mood.

Wanda: Her mind. She knew what made everyone else tick, so you were very intrigued by the prospects of knowing what did it to her.

Loki: His magic.You grew up reading about creatures with magical powers, so you were naturally interested in someone who had them.

Bucky: How protective he was. He was so scared of losing you that he wouldn't let you leave without telling him where you were going and when you'd be back.

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