Clint Imagine

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You two were on a mission, and you were planning on getting separate hotel rooms, but as luck would have it there was only one available room, with one bed. You two were exhausted, so you decided that this was better than walking to a different hotel. You got to the room, and were about to change into pajamas when you realized you forgot to bring a shirt to sleep in, which would've been fine in your own room, but not with Clint. You hear Clint say, "What's wrong, Y/N?" You tell him what happened, and see him start taking off his shirt. You looked away blushing, then you feel him walk up behind you as he offers you his shirt. Not thinking about it you wrapped your arm around his neck and kissed him. Before he could respond you ran into the bathroom to get dressed, so that you could avoid the rejection that you feared you would receive. Clint was still in shock because he never thought that you would like him back. To be honest he had liked you for well over a year, but he never wanted to risk your friendship by telling you. After about five minutes of you hiding out in the bathroom, Clint decided that he was going to tell you how he felt.
*knock knock* "Hey, Y/NN," you hear Clint say.
"Go away!"
He didn't respond, so you just assumed that he left. In reality he was pick locking the door. As soon as he opened the door, he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your temple. You turned around in his arms and looked into his eyes.
"I'm sorry Clint I shouldn't have done that, I know you don't have any feelings for me. Truth is I love you, and you being so nice just made the feeling get even stronger and- "
He cut you off with a kiss, catching you off guard. "I. Love. You. Too." he said punctuating each word with a kiss. He picked you up and carried you off to bed and cuddled with you until morning.

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