Why can't I just tell you(Ichigo love story)-Chapter 5

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Kayas P.O.V

I sat there, Ichigo and I just sitting there staring at each other. -Sighh-"I dont know where to begin Ichigo" I said staring at the floor.

"Start anywhere, start from the begining" He said. It took me a while to think of how to put everything into words.

"On my 14th brithday, a guy came, i dont remember him to much or to much of what he looked like, after all everything happened so fast. Next thing i knew my parents were fighting the guy, my dad yelling at me to grab Alex and run. I couldnt run, i didnt want to run, i wanted to stay there and fight with my parents. I turned my head for one second and then when i turned back my parents were lying in their own pool of blood. I ran towards them, i didnt want to face the reality that they were dead. Alex was running towards them as well, and then he was attacked from behind. I ran towards Alex trying to take the blow for him, but the guy got to him before i could. After that the guy said that he would be back for me, he knew my name, he knew who i was" I finished telling Ichigo everything, well almost everything. I lefted out the fact that my entire family were vizards, i mean i know Ichigo is one, Kisuke told me, but Alex and I decided not to tell anyone.

"Kaya" Ichigo put his arm around me, "Im sorry, im sorry that you had to watch your parents die, but it isnt your fault Kaya" I didnt realize that i was crying until Ichigo whipped the tears that were falling off my cheeks.

"It is my fault Ichigo, the guy came for me, i dont know why but he did. Its my fault that my parents are dead, and its my fault that Alex almost died" I cryed harder, leaning into Ichigos chest. Ichigo ran his fingers through my hair, he didnt say anything, after all he and i both knew that nothing he said would work at the moment.

"I have to go Ichigo, Alex is probably worried about me" I said standing up.

"I'll walk you out" Ichigo said walking with me. "Are you going to be at school tomorrow" He asked.

"I dont know" i said, after that i walked off. When i reached Kisukes shop i noticed some spiritual pressure that i didnt recoinizge. "Kisuke" I called when i opened the door.

"In the living room" I heard Kisuke call back. When i walked in i noticed a bunch of soul reapers.

"Umm... hi" I said, i sat down next to Kisuke, i stared at the soul reapers as Tessi got me some tea.

"Kaya i would like to introduce some people. This is Rangiku" Kisuke said pointing towards a red head woman with might i add some big boobs. "This is Ikakku" Kisuke pointed towards a guy with a bald head, "This is Yumichika" He pointed towards a guy with feathers on his head, must be in style i thought, "This is Captain toshiro" he said pointing towards a kid with white hair, "And this is Shuhei" Kisuke pointed towards a guy with a 69 on his face. When he did i couldnt stop staring, i mean yeah the guy was cute, but it was the tattoo that i couldnt help staring at. "Ohh looks like Shuhei has a new admirer" Rangiku said laughing.

"Not even in his dreams" I said. "Its just the tattoo on his face that reminds me of someone" I said, They all looked at me waiting for me to explain. "His name is Kensei, he's one of my friends" I finally said. Everyone looked at me shocked.

"You know the ex captain on squad 9" Toshiro said looking at me in disbeilf

"Yes i do, but how i know him doesnt really matter" I said, "I'll let you guys get back to your buisness" I said standing up and walking outside, i was jumped up on the roof and sat down staring at the sky.

Shuheis P.O.V

Rangiku, Ikakku, Yumichika, captain Hitsuguya, and I were sitting at Kisukes shop when a girl walked in. "Umm.. hi" She said as she sat down, 'Shes pretty' i thought as i looked at her. Kisuke introduced us all to her, when he introduced me she kept staring at me. "Ohhh looks like Shuhei has a new admirer" Rangiku said laughing.

"Not even in his dreams" Kaya said, "Its just the tattoo on his face that remind me of someone" We all looked at her waiting for her to explian what she met. "His name is Kensei, he's one of my friends". My entire body tensed, 'She knows Kensei, the man who saved me' i thought as i stared at her in shock.

"You know the ex captain of sqaud 9" Captain hitsuguya asked her.

"Yes i do, but how i know him doesnt really matter" She said "I'll let you guys get back to your buisness" She stood up and walked back outside. I heard her jump on the roof, i wanted to follow her, i wanted to ask her how she knows Kensei and everything, but we started talking again. Apperently there have been some disturbances in the human world. After the meeting i went outside, i looked up and saw her sitting on the roof with her eyes closed. 'Wow' i thought as i jumped up on the roof.

"Kaya right" I said as i sat down next to her.

"Yup" she said not even opening her eyes. "So why do you have Kenseis tattoo on your face" She finally asked.

"Well you see when i was a kid he saved me, i saw the tattoo on his chest and decided to get the same on, honoring him and what he did for me that day. " I said, i looked over and noticed her staring at me.

"I see, well i think he would appercaite that" She said smiling at me. I couldnt help but smile back. "So im going to take a wild guess and say that you guys are here because of all the weird spiritual pessure thats been detected" She said looking back at the sky.

"Yeah, but how did you know. Kisuke said he didnt say anything to you or your brother"

"Yeah, well im not stupid" She said laughing. "I can sense alot that people cant, even before they sense it." I looked at her again.

"Kisuke did say that you were better than anyone he knows when it comes to sensing things before other people" I said laughing along with her. After that we just sat there looking at the sky having small talk.

"SHUHEII" I heard Rangiku call.

"Great just when i wanted to have some peace" I said, Kaya looked at me and laughed.

"She cant be that bad" She said.

"She likes to drink alot, i mean i dont mind drinking, but not like her" I said laughing. 'I havent laughed this much with someone before' i thought as i stared at her.

"There you are Shuhei" We both stopped laughing and looked at Rangiku. "Want to go to the bar with all of us." Rangiku asked.

"Sure why not" I said standing up.

"Okay im going to go get changed then i will meet you guys" Rangiku jumped off the roof and went inside.

"I hope you dont mind" I said looking at Kaya, i feel kind of bad.

"No i dont," she stood up and said, "but if you ever want to just relax in peace or something of that matter you know where to find me." She said jumping off the roof following Rangiku inside. I smiled at her retreating form, 'she is different than anyone i have met. I may actually enjoy it here' i thought jumping down and walking inside.

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