Party like a Leaguer

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I finally got home after a long night partying with the league. I had to blackmail Bruce to get him to stick around for it, but he looked like he was having a blast last I checked. Let me tell you now that Justice League parties get out of hand really fast. Shayera and John were in an all out drinking contest (Hawkwoman won by the way), Superman suddenly became the world's biggest wallflower until Batsie spiked his cola when he wasn't looking, Wonder woman apparently cannot sing a note, but Batman and Flash should release an album together, and towards the end of the night J'onn broke out about 50 nerf weapons he had stashed somewhere and we had an complete war. I'm fairly certain Superman is passed out in the watchtower somewhere with a curly Italian mustache sharpie-d on his face (sorry, not sorry. couldn't help myself) and his hair spiked with lime jello (That was there before. Idk who's to blame for that one). J'onn will be cleaning up foam bullets, disks, and arrows for the next few weeks. I should probably be worried that Cyborg went missing halfway through the night, but he probably went home. Don't blame him; I'll never be able to look at John Stewart the same way again.

So I finally got home at 1:30 in the morning and I'm thinking to myself, "Half these guys have work in the morning. How are they going to explain this away?". Oh well. That's their problem to solve. I'm just about to fall asleep when I get a text from Q congratulating me on becoming a full member and that I should meet him asap. I text back, "Just got home. How asap do you mean? Like at my earliest free time or now?".
I suppose it can wait until morning, but I want some answers for this one.
"Fine. How's that pastry shop in Hub sound for an early breakfast/meet spot?" He pauses for a while.
No, get some food if you must, but we NEED privacy. Meet me on the Watchtower in my room.

So I packed a suitcase with my pajamas, a spare costume, and tazer (a gift from Batman for becoming a full member). Snagging my reserve stash of junk food and stuffing it in the top of my bag as well as my journals and trading cards, I marched out the door and directly to Central City's zeta tube, knowing fully well there was nobody still awake to man the teleporter. I dash up to the dorm floor of the Watchtower and look around to see who my neighbors will be. Looks like I've got Dove to my right (his door has a sign reading "Keep out Hawk"), Cyborg on my left (his door has several keypads and various other security systems in place) and one of the Green Lanterns across the hall from me. I cross my fingers hoping it's not Guy Gardner and then I slide my ID card through the e-lock.

It's not a particularly big room, but it is rather nice. There's a large bed, a desk with a laptop, a small vanity, a fair sized closet and a massive window on the far wall. Looking out right now I can see the same view I was greeted with when I finally realized where I was. The world seems so small, and in this distance our green-blue ball looks more so defenseless and tiny. It only makes me want to protect it more. It is a beautiful sight. I finally get to work. I hang up my spare costume and stuff the tazer into it's jacket pocket. I place my journals in the vanity drawer and the trading cards in a small safe I just found in the closet. Finally I stuff my junk food in a plastic bin under the bed marked "Speedster Snacks" in sharpie-d, which already had twelve mini bags of Doritos and Cheez-its. I check the clock again and it reads 2:47. Damn it. Speed changing I jump into bed and try to catch a few hours of sleep. The alarm on the clock rings at 8:30; I turn it off quickly before I zip out of bed and into my supersuit. Patting my pocket to check that my tazer is still there I grab my ID card and strap on my watch.

I should probably go talk to Cyborg about the treadmill; I kinda promised. I wander around until I get back to the tech lockup where Cyborg is hanging out in the next door lab and doing some target practice. I knock on the door, because getting shot by a jumpy Cyborg does not sound appealing this early in the morning and before coffee no less. He puts the laser cannon away and opens the door for me.

"Hey there Jessie, congrats and sorry I slipped out on the party. They get out of control fast if you force Batman to stay." He greets.

"Yeah, I learned that the hard way. Keep an eye out for a dead drunk Superman with a sharpied mustache and spiked hair." I warn "He's not going to be happy when he's sober." Cyborg pales slightly and then nods. "Okay, so uh... the treadmill?"

I begin my lecture, "The cosmic treadmill is a time machine that allows any user with superspeed to travel precisely through time. It uses vibrational energy to phase itself and it's passengers through time itself. Eventually it will be modified to jump through dimensions making it very useful to both sides during the Crisis on Infinite Earths event." Cyborg practically drools over the device before saying, "Wait what Crisis?... Infinite Earths... Damn it! Don't tell me we'll have to fight through the multiverse!" I nod with a patronizing look on my face. "Anyway. Don't let anyone get their hands on it. Even if they can't technically use it they could still deconstruct it or give it to someone who can use it." I affirm.

I dash off to the cafeteria and grab some much needed caffeine for me and Q. Knowing him, he hasn't gotten sleep for the last few nights. Taking the elevator up to the dorm floor again I step in to find an obviously hungover Green Lantern wearing aviators and still sprinkled with glitter. I mutter, "You're covered in glitter." and he nods gratefully.

I get off on Q's floor, leaving the hero slumped against the back wall of the elevator. I knock on the caution tape covered door and when he doesn't answer I let myself in. For a paranoid guy he certainly leaves his door unlocked too much. His room is a bigger mess than last time I saw it and he has fallen asleep face first into his computer. I knew it. He's crashed after too many nights up. He's almost cute asleep, although it's probably not a good idea to sleep with that mask on. I take a few seconds to think it over before deciding "It probably won't piss him off right?" If this doesn't wake him up then it proves my point that he needs sleep. I use my speed to stack the piles of papers off the bed, onto the floor. Then rummaging through his coat on the coat rack, I find the aerosol spray to detach his mask and use it. He grabs my wrist tightly for a moment, but he doesn't wake up. Carrying him over to the bed he turns slightly in my arms and I gently set him down on the bed. I quickly save all of his files and tabs on the computer and boot it down. Spotting a pack of post-it notes on the desk I write a quick memo for him to call me when he wakes up and I stick to the desk next to the iced coffee I had picked out for him. Hopefully it will still be cold when he's up. And with that I sneak out.

Soon I get a call from Cyborg. "Hey Jessie? You remember that thing to told me to protect?" "Yeah." I growl sensing where this is going. "Flash is here and he's using it." I drop my phone and dash off to the lab where Barry seems to have just figured out how to set the date for it. "Barry!" I shout as he begins to run. I manage to grab the rail in the front before we are whisked away into the space-time continuum.

Hey there readers. It's your friendly neighborhood writer here and how do you like dem cliffhangers!?! Also OMG 1k views!!!! That's awesome. Expect an update Saturday!

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