The Zoom Paradox

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I dash to the infirmary. Shazam got it my way and I may have shoved him by accident, but that's besides the point. I zip into the room and find not only Barry, but also a cast-wearing Zoom with an inhibitor collar around his neck. He seemed to be monologue-ing at Barry, but he stopped talking when he saw me enter. "Wow." Barry joked with a cough, "You scared him more than Batman does. What did you do?" I grin cheerfully, "One speedy, electrified punch coupled with two broken legs." "Still feels like my finger's in a electric socket." Zoom grumbles. I shoot him a quick death glare and he looks away shamefully.

Barry coughs into his red glove again. The cuts and bruises are gone so I assume Batman counteracted it's effects in record time. Something's off about Barry that I can't quite grasp for a second, but then it hits me like a freight train. "Ba-, um... Flash." I demand his attention, "Cough into this." I hold out the edge of his white sheet. He raises a slight eyebrow, but complys. His cough sounds rough, like gravel in his throat. He pulls the corner away and his eyes widen with shock. Dropping the sheet I can finally see it. Blood. "I think you may have a punctured lung sweetie." I say calmly as I can so that I don't beat the crap out of Zoom while he's down.

I call Batman and Manhunter and he wheels Flash out of the room. Batman stays with me. I suspect he saw the rage in my eyes. He stands by the door and I take the chair that used to be next to Barry's bed. I crack my knuckles and Batman nods slightly. Our roles are decided. "Alright Zoom. You never use knives or toxins, what's the big deal now?" I growl slightly. Zoom flinched, but he didn't speak. I slowly grab my taser, stand up and cock back my arm, "The hard way it is!" I raise my voice and Batman takes his cue rushing between the two of us. He 'consoles' me, "Jessie, he isn't worth it."

"You're right. He isn't worth anything. The universe would be better off if he didn't exist. I should know." I darkly rationalize. It's not like I'm lying...

"You better tell her what she wants. You know I'm not equipped to handle an angry speedster." He informs Zoom. He sighs and then relents, "I read that you know everything that will happen in this universe so I decided to surprise Flash in case you had told him what would happen already. He never saw it coming." I clench my fist in an attempt to not punch that smug look off his face. "Turn him over to Black Gate, before beat his face into a black hole." I declare striding out of the room and towards Barry's room.

Manhunter thanks me for catching Flash's punctured lung, but I still can't see him. So I decide to challenge another leaguer to a sparring match, Batman more than happily obliges. I leave my jacket and taser on the bench and wait for Bruce to hand me a power inhibitor. He shrugs, "If I didn't think you could keep your powers in check I wouldn't spar against you." He removes the spikes on his gloves and takes his place on the far side of the mat. I notice a small figure sitting in the rafters and grin. I guess I've got to put on a good show. I go on the defense immediately, but if I'm gonna take down the Bat it will have to be in the first few seconds. He, predictably, makes the first move. I may not be using my speed, but my perception is definitely higher than normal. I deftly dodge his punch and get behind him. I took acrobatics as a kid, but was always too afraid to do it without a mat. As I run normally at Batman's back I think, "Super healing. Even if I mess up it won't be a big deal." I grab his cape and flip over his shoulder with it in my hands, yanking it over his head. As he blindly threw a few punches, I kicked his legs out from under him and shove him down by the cape. The cape flips back as he lands and I shove my knee into the center of his chest while choking him out. He taps, one, two, three times and I let go. He dusts himself off, chugs half a water bottle and replies, "I'll have to remember that for if my suit is out of power. Usually I would turn it into a glider to prevent that." 

I nod, "Batsie, I've been thinking of theoretical ways to take you down since before I knew you were real. Looks like I'll have to be your Doomsday contingency plan." He pales, "Don't..." "I wouldn't dare." I affirm. Suddenly a red blur tackle-hugs me to the ground. I hadn't been paying enough attention.

I ruffle the kid's hair and say, "Hey Dickie-bird." He pauses for a second, but grins widely and helps me up off the floor. "You totally pwned Batman!" Robin giggles. I slip my jacket and taser back on. "Hey Rob. You up for a round of ping-pong?" I ask. "That sounds totally asterous." He agrees. It was a great game. I use my speed in a few spots discreetly and he flipped over the corner of the table on more than one account to volley back. He won after a while, but then he and Batman had to return to Gotham.

After I wave them off at the zeta tubes, I check the clock. Ten thirty!!! I go to dash back to the med-bay, but first I stop by the cafeteria and grab two colas optimistically. My mind is on everything but my feet when I'm suddenly knocked back into reality. Soda flies everywhere when I smash face first into... "Barry!" I shout. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry!" He mutters in at high speeds while trying to clean up the mess we've made. I tackle hug him. "You're okay!" I gleefully shout. "Yeah," he humbly mutters, "I was looking for you so you could tell me what exactly happened." "Gladly, but let's go grab some dinner first." I agree. He nods quickly and we dash off once more.

We ordered several pizzas and Flash stayed fairly silent trying not to interrupt and only spoke to say things like, "uh huh.", "cool" and "no way! ONE PUNCH!?!" Once I had gotten past telling him about my sparring match with Batman (to which he replied, "I don't believe it. There's no way you... You didn't did you!?!") We were interrupted by Superman who shrunk away from from me as he passed by to whisper something in Flash's ear. He immediately excused himself and followed the big blue boy scout out of the mess hall. I scarfed down my food and actually walked to the zeta tubes for once. I haven't got a perfect hold of my speed so sometimes I created sonic booms in the watchtower or knock heroes over with the tailwind. It might not move the man of steel, but I've been told that it hurt Arrow's masculinity by Canary.

Before I can get on the teleporter, Flash grabs me by my wrist and drags me behind him until I start running alongside. He leads me to the meeting room and stops me at the head of the room before zipping to his chair (which he apparently did paint his logo on). Superman nods at Batman and he stands, "In light of recent events we've unanimously decided we'd like you to join the Justice League as a full member." I almost squee like a loser fangirl, but instead I ask, "Really? Me?" I'm shell-shocked, this is more than awesome!

Flash says, "Any hero who one hit K.O's Zoom belongs here." "You ask for help when you need it. That's more than can be said for most of us." Wonder Woman agrees. "You saved my teammate. I don't know how I missed a broken rib when I'm the guy with x-ray vision." Superman facepalms. Manhunter steps forward, "It's only fair to include you when we have the likes of Booster Gold in the league." "You were sarcastic with me and I didn't hit you with my mace. I think that says enough." Hawkwoman punctuates her sentence by twirling her mace in the air. "You forced me to play good cop today and beat me in a sparring match for that I applaud you." Batman growls with a slight grin which scared just about everyone except me and Wonder Woman. 

"I would be honored to be a member of your league." I grin. Everyone claps as Superman hands me my ID card.

Hey there readers, it's your friendly neighborhood writer here and holy mother of binge writing! Anyway, the plot I have planned is gonna be awesome from here and romance will just have to wait for a short bit. Either way stay tuned and I will see you IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! *jacksepticeye theme plays full blast like a boss*

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