Ticking off the Bat

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Hey guys! It's your friendly neighborhood writer back with a new chapter! From now on I plan to update this story at least once a week. So enjoy! And please do tell me what you think in either the comments or by voting! Now on to the story

I was shell-shocked. Barry walked over to me slowly. Although, to Batman it probably seemed like he was breaking the sound barrier. Barry's smile shined with glee as he sat down next to me on the hospital bed and excitedly said "Speedster Lesson #1: How to slow down." He explained it in the same calm and steady voice that an anger management teacher would use, with all the deep breath techniques I was soon back in sync with the universe's speed.

Batman spoke as soon as Barry nodded at him slowly, "We never finished our talk." He said roughly. Barry stood up from the bed in between the two of us and argued "She just woke up from a coma with super-speed in a parallel universe!" Batman glared slightly so Barry negotiated "At least let me take her to go get some lunch." Bruce took a slow step back from Barry and gave me a signature bat-glare. The only thing I could think of is the terrible mistake we've made in pissing off Batman, one of the few people to kick Superman's ass on a regular basis. This is the mortal man who beats gods down to his level and we have made him angrier than he normally is. I'm so screwed...

Barry breaks my train of thought with a gentle tap on my shoulder and a cocky smile. He beams "So Jessie, what do you want for lunch today?" I smirk and declare "All of the pepperoni pizzas that ever existed!" Barry laughs and then jokes "Finally, someone other than Jay who knows what it's like to have a Speedster's stomach!" And with an "after you" gesture towards the door, The Flash and I sped off towards the cafeteria.

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