Pushing the Dark Knight's buttons

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To make up for not updating in a while, I've got a double update for you tonight!!! -your friendly neighborhood writer

In every Justice League show I've seen they have shown The Flash family eating at ridiculous speeds to the point where you have to laugh! However when Barry and I sat down in the Justice League mess hall we were just chatting and eating an inordinate amount of food at normal speeds. At least I thought we were.

When we hit a break in the conversation (Barry was rambling on about a heist he just stopped in Central City involving Trickster and 3 metric tons of silly string) I looked up from my 63rd slice of Manhunter's pizza and noticed that everyone around us was slo-mo'ed. I interrupt Barry asking "If we perceive super-speed as everyone else slowed down, what if we're just people with the power to slow reality around us and not speedsters?" He paused, looked confused and thoughtful for a second, but then answered "If we aren't speedsters then how can I do this?" Barry grins and then phases his arm through the table we were sitting at. I smile back thinking, "I've found my fellow nerd!"

After my 16th hyper-sweetened coffee I tried to excuse myself because I really should talk to Batman. Flash reminded me "You've only kept him waiting for 7 minutes." "Really?" I thought. It has seemed like hours. I'm gonna need a watch. Flash tried to console me saying "I don't blame you for not wanting to get on his bad side, but remember that he's Batman. Nobody's on his good side." "Actually..." Barry leans across the table to whisper "I don't think he has one."I look up from the table while laughing at Barry's joke and see a angry Batman storming across the room in slow motion.

He looks pissed, but I can't help myself from laughing and pointing at his slowly moving figure. Barry turns to look where I'm gesturing and giggles "That's terrifyingly hilarious." "Let's slow down for him" I sigh. He reaches the table quickly and ominously. "Hey Batsie!" I quip "What took ya so long?" His eyes narrow and he orders "Never call me that again." I smile, knowing I've got him pinned on this one even though this is probably a bad idea, "Oh Batsie, considering I almost call you by your real name frequently, I'd let me keep using the nickname." Flash just stares at me surprised for a fraction of a second and then joins in joking " Hey Jessie! I'm the only one around here who gets to push Batman's buttons!" in mocking shock.

Batman only has to glare at The Flash and his motor-mouth abruptly stops. Bruce calmly asks "Are you done?" in a tone that means it doesn't matter if I am or not, I'm leaving now. I speed up and tell Barry that I'll meet him in his lab when I'm done. Then I slow down and follow a very pissy Batman back to the interrogation room. He locks the door and sits down simply asking, "What else do you know?"

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